Sunday, July 20, 2014

Message from the White Brotherhood - 7-20-14

There was a new being in my room when I woke this morning. I surrounded him with the violet flame and he stayed steady and true. He was very tall and thin, looked to be from Andromeda. He said that his name was Stephen, he was from the White Brotherhood and had a message to be relayed.

There is a great change upon us. Man will find themselves making choices and being faced with decisions that will choose their path for years to come. It is important for people to feel the answers rather than think them. When you apply logic only to a situation or decision, you risk only getting information from the mind/ego. This will always lead you astray and down the path of fear. When you approach a situation, decision, or a person with an open heart always asking the question "What if it was me? How would I want myself and my loved ones treated?" You will be lead down the right path.

There is much in your world that leads to fear. Your media reports only on these things to distract you from your heart, your true nature. When the egoic mind is engaged you see borders, lack, you see the enemy everywhere you turn. This is all an illusion, as we are all one and even the brother on the other side of the world is an aspect of you. We understand that this is a hard concept to fully grasp how someone you've never met in a part of the world that you've never been to is actually a part of you. Therefore, we ask you to see yourself in others in your life, your community, always asking "How would I like to be treated if it were me?"

Whether you choose to have your life dominated by heart based decisions or mind/egoic decisions will literally create divergent paths. At this moment the roads are fairly close to one another. You are able to jump from one stream of consciousness to the other rather quickly. However, as more and more are learning to react and live within their heart space the gap between the two roads widens. This means that when you fall into logical thinking devoid of heart it will be harder to get back to the stream of consciousness where the heart resides. It won't be impossible, bit it will be difficult and require intense concentration and monitoring of each thought. A very hard task in your world of distractions.

Now is the time for remaining in your heart, the longer you can stay in that place the more natural it will become. This is your goal. When you fall out of the heart space and into fear based thinking monitor the reaction within your body. How does it feel? Take note of this feeling so that you can notice when you have switched streams of consciousness. You will have times that you react with the old egoic streams of thought, don't feel discouraged as this will continue you on the wrong path. Instead treat yourself with love and compassion as well. Then ask yourself again, how would you want you are your loved ones treated in the same situation. You will easily return to a place of love.

Now is the time to for you to master these skills, to remain in your heart where source, love, all that is resides. Know that this is accomplished through observing your physical and mental reactions to events and people. The roads between the two, love and ego will separate with a great chasm. Your goal is to be aligned perfectly with your heart.

There is a belief or concern held that those who are in their heart spaces at all times will be taken advantage of or be walked on.

When you are in your heart space you can never be taken advantage of. The heart space understands that people need to experience the lessons they have created for their own soul growth. This isn't about saving others. It is about seeing the perfection in everyone and allowing them to find it within themselves.

Can you give an example?

Yes, lets take a homeless person, you can be in your heart space and show them love and compassion in numerous ways. You can share substance, clothing, or conversation. It does not mean that you must bring this person into your home and sacrifice yourself. It is in understanding that thier soul chose this experience for a purpose. To feel that you must save others or go about and beyond is to derail their soul growth. Your job is to love, not save. Do you understand?

Yes, I believe so.

Good, go in peace.