Greetings! I come to you today to speak of the upcoming planet alignments and full moon. All will be affected by these energies. How much someone is affected depends on where they are in their clearing process. At no time will a body become overloaded with downloads as safety of the vessel is always considered. Though many of you may feel that you can't possibly go through one more coding.
The energies of late have served some of you very well. It has caused you to take a good look at your life, what is working, what is not. Many of you are making radical changes and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Some of you have been busy healing your core, challenging your beliefs and fears. This is not an easy process and those brave enough to push forward are applauded. Understand that these planet alignments are gateways that help you through this process. You can access any of these portals at anytime once they are opened. You determine the speed and direction of your growth. The more effort you put into clearing that which no longer serves, the further you will be in this process and the more growth you will achieve during planet alignments. If you are not ready at this time to receive the full benefit, don't worry, the minute you are energetically and physically ready those same codes will be made available to you.
This process is very much like upgrading a computer. When an existing program is updated, first the program must be downloaded, then processed before it can be used. In some cases the upgrade to software requires an upgrade to the hardware (your body). This is even more true if you download a completely new program or blueprint. Many of you are in the process or have recently updated your life blueprint. You have made changes according to how you want your life to be. You are in absolute control of this process through your higher self. Once a blueprint has been agreed upon it then has to be downloaded to the body file by file. This is an intense process as old files need to be rewritten and purged. We ask that you relax through this process and when past events or traumas come to your mind, that you gently release them. There is no need to rehash or over think what occurred in the past as it no longer defines who you are unless you let it. Physically during this process you may experience exhaustion, body aches, chills, and hot flashes. Intense dreams may happen and you may get the opportunity to view alternative timelines that aspects of self have been experiencing. You can acknowledge these occurrences and watch them pass, as you have already learned from them.
Some of you are going through the process of releasing fears that have no basis in truth. Often these fears stem from beliefs created in childhood or through interpretation of events in your life. Your task is to look at each fear for what it is, determine what caused the fear or belief and what the truth is as you know it now. You must rewrite these fears. This ensures that the foundation of your new blueprint is grounded in truth and not fear and misaligned beliefs. In order to become your highest self, you must be in alignment with truth and not illusion. This is a painful, arduous task, but one with great rewards.We ask that you take the time to examine these fears and beliefs. These deep seated things influence how you approach and perceive the world. In order to see through the illusion you must not be part of it. Fears and misaligned beliefs are one of the final layers you must conquer on your journey. Take all the time you need to do this task to ensure that all not aligned with your highest self is rewritten in truth.
Warm regards,
Quan Yin.