Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Information on Receiving a Reading

Here is some basic info that you need to know before getting a reading:
I am a medium, which means that I can communicate with other dimensions. Understand that I am not a psychic and cannot predict your future. However, your guides and loved ones may be able to give you information that can help you decide a path or help ease confusion.

A little about me: I had the ability to communicate with other dimensions as a child. I would regularly play with fairies and was visited by guides. As I aged and people realized I was different, I blocked the parts within me that people thought were strange. So many of us do this so that we can survive in this world.  During the last 3 years I began a spiritual journey that helped me reconnect with who I am. It has been an intense journey where I have pushed myself to let go of fears and limiting beliefs.  

As I once again connected with my true self, the ability to hear/see different dimensions has opened up again. I am happy to share the gift with you.

My Rates:
$20 for one question

$40 for a half hour reading

$70 for an hour reading

You can click on the Paypal Donate Button to the right to submit payment. Once payment is received we can email to set up a time and for me to understand what you are looking for and how it is best to receive the information.

Readings can be done through Facebook messenger, phone and also by you sending me questions that you would like answered via email.  My preferred method is in writing so that you can have a record of what was said, however I am open to the phone.  My email is

Things to keep in mind before getting a reading:

·         I use your full name and invite all those that would like to give you information to do so. This can be guides, angels, or loved ones.

·         You may be wanting to contact a particular person, but spirit does not always cooperate with our wants, but it does give us what we need. The one who has the most relevant message for you will be the one to come forward. I tried to reach my father through two incredible psychics. He didn't come through for 10 years. When he did come through, all he would say is that I had the ability to access him within myself (which I did, but didn't remember how) and that he was looking forward to the time when I would.

·         Names are very hard to get. I can usually get an initial but sometimes I am given the initial for the last name, not the first.

·         Some spirits, guides and angels will send me pictures for me to interpret and others will communicate telepathically. Some will send me emotions. Most will do a variation of all three.

·         If a loved one comes forward understand that how they were in life, is how they are in this realm too. If they were chatty in life, they will be chatty now. If they were the silent type, who said very little, expect that as well.  Some will simply give you a message and then be done. Some loved ones are open to a question and answer session, others are not. Some will answer each question you have and others won’t. Just like in life, there is free will and not all questions will be answered. 

·         If a spirit guide or angel comes through, you can ask questions in regards to anything you would like to get more awareness of, may it be a challenge you are having difficulty overcoming or any other thing you feel like you might need assistance with. Please keep in mind that Spirit won’t necessarily answer according to your expectations, but they will be the best answers for you in that moment, that will fit your highest good.  If you have no questions, but just feel guided to request a reading, there is always for a reason. Trust that the one that comes forward knows what you need to hear at this time. 

·         As always, use your Inner Guidance as well. You are capable and can always connect within and get answers in your own unique way.

·         Readings for family and friends can be the most difficult. The closer the medium is to the one receiving the reading the harder the process can be. 

My hope is you will enjoy your reading and it will bring peace to you. The one message that they all have shared whether it is a loved one or a guide is that you are deeply loved, supported, and never alone.