I want to talk to you today about manifestation. So many do you not understand the fundamentals and get frustrated and disillusioned when they don't receive the results they want. Let me be clear, the two most important features to manifestation are letting go and allowing.
Too often parameters are put on the universe that stunt the process. For instance, you desire a house with more room for your expanding family, ask for that, let go of the process of how and allow the universe to do it's job. However, if you ask the universe for a bigger house with blue shutters you have made the process much harder and longer than it should be. Manifestation is stating your basic desire and trusting completely that the universal will always act in your highest good.
The concept of highest good may not be exactly what you desire, but rather an experience that will provide a lesson for your soul growth. So often people manifest things that we do not want because of focus on the opposite. You want more money and you send this desire out to the universe. Yet, your thoughts are dominated by stress and worry that you don't have enough. Again, the highest good will be done and you will experience lack so that you learn to trust and allow in order to make your manifestations come.
Manifestations cannot be about control either. You want love in your life, ask for it and allow the universe to bring it to you in whatever form. If instead you say that you want love with a particular person, but it's not in that person's highest good, the manifestation will not take place. What is best for the soul growth of all will always take place, even if it does not outwardly appear to be the case.
We ask that you work on aligning with your highest source. When you merge with the absolute highest aspect of self you are better able to see the things in your life that are in your greatest good. You will also be better able to understand the lessons and move through them quickly. You may find that your desires change once you are merged with your highest aspect to include the good of all. We also ask that you practice gratitude for all the things in your life. It is okay to acknowledge the aspects that you don't want in your reality, but don't dwell on them. However, be grateful for what you don't want as the lessons served you're so growth. Focus on the things that make you happy, bring you peace and joy. It is in these things that your highest self is found. Being grateful for the things, people, and places that evoke these emotions help you to align your entire being on that path.
We hope that this makes it clearer for you. You must let go and allow the universe to do it's job without interference of parameters or feeling the need to control. Trust that your highest good is always being done. If what you desire is not brought to you, what lesson did you need to learn? In these lessons you will learn what is holding you back from manifesting and you will be able to heal it and move forward. Remember, it is your highest aspect that chose the lessons and challenges that you will encounter for the growth of your soul. Aligning with the highest source allows you to understand them and learn so that you may master the lessons.
Until next time,
Quan Yin