Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cutting Cords, Agreements and Contracts as part of your Spiritual Practice

If there has been one spiritual practice that has helped me more than any other, it is cutting cords, agreements and contracts (aka vows), that no longer serve you. I do this weekly. Here is a brief explanation of what each means and how they affect our lives:


We create cords with everyone with whom we have an emotional relationship with. These are our relationships with family, spouse, children, friends, teachers/students and employers/employees; the list of possibilities goes on and on. It is literally anyone that we felt a connection with for good or bad. That person on Facebook that un-friended you for your beliefs, there is absolutely a cord going from that person to you. When you are intimate with someone and love them, cords are created from each of your chakras to theirs. This is why when a relationship ends, your heart physically hurts. Cords were ripped out of your heart when that tie was severed. If you have intimate relations with someone who you do not love, cords are not created going from the chakra system, but chances are at least one cord is attached somewhere on you. 

Parents have many cords that go from themselves to their children. Many parents I talk to are flabbergasted when I suggest cutting cords from their children. The key is to cut those that NO LONGER serve you. All other cords will remain. When your child is born and you stare into that beautiful face, you create cords of love and security. These are beneficial to both parties, but the cords created with your newborn no longer serves your toddler. With your toddler you create cords of love, security but with an added twist of allowing them to explore their world. As your children age and become teenagers and young adults, cords can make this transition very hard. At this stage we want cords for love and security but with the added twist of allowing them to make mistakes and fail. Cutting non beneficial cords from my children has allowed me to step back and allow them to make mistakes, learn from them and rise above them. 


We make so many agreements and most the time we are not aware that we have made them; these are on a soul level. We could make an agreement with a loved one to treat us poorly, to constantly put us down so that we are forced to create our own self-worth. We could create an agreement with an employer to create such a horrible work environment that we feel forced to change jobs. That job change could be the absolute best thing for us and we would have missed the opportunity if we were comfortable in the last job. The problem with agreements is that they don't always end when the desired result is achieved. If the agreement with the boss remains intact, it could create similar problems at the next job. 

We all know people who seem to always find themselves in the same type of relationship; i.e. the person who always finds an abusive mate, the one who always finds the person with an addiction problem or is chronically cheated on in all their relationships. Even when the person finds the strength and courage to leave the relationship, the next one is just the same because of soul agreements not being ended. Agreements are in place to help us grown and learn a lesson. Once that lesson is learned they need to be cut so that you can put the situation behind you. However, if you move on from one situation to the next and have not learned the lesson, the agreement will not cut. These agreements are not in place to make our lives hell, but to teach us lessons about self and propel our soul growth. If you haven't learned or grown from the agreement it will still stand, as it still serves your highest good. 

Understand, that we are not powerless beings caught in the web of our souls master planning. We can also request that ALL agreements be cut, even the ones that we are still learning from. When we do this, we need to be prepared to make new agreements and have a clear vision of where we want our future to go. Without that vision, our world can become very unstable and chaotic. I suggest creating a clear, detailed vision of what you want your future to look like before cutting all agreements. Vision boards would help with this process.


Contracts are life themes that we have chosen to learn in this time period. Maybe in this life you have chosen to be a healer but it is burning you out. It is time to create a new contract that suits your desires and soul growth. I learned of contracts when I spoke to a healer who told me I had taken a vow of poverty in this lifetime. My current life absolutely reflected that vow as I had gone through a bankruptcy and lost my home. Cutting that vow didn't make money fall from the sky, but after that for the first time in my life I feel that I have a handle on my finances. 

Some contracts can come from past lives as well. Since time does not exist and all is happening in the now, it is easy to see how a contract made in one life can affect them all.  I met someone who is a soldier in this lifetime who has had many past lives as a soldier or warrior. In many lives he left behind a woman and child due to his death. He has fears that he will repeat it in this lifetime. Cutting this contract would help to create a fresh start in this lifetime. It would give him the opportunity to move beyond the warrior theme. Another common contract is the vow of chastity. This does not mean that the person with this vow never has intimate relationships; it may mean that they do not last long. This can be seen in relationships where a couple has not had sexual relations in 20 years. It can also be seen in people who have a brief intimate relationship followed by long bouts of being alone. Evaluate your life, look at the overwhelming theme that keeps reappearing even when you change your circumstances. It could be that you have created a contract or vow in this life that has created these situations and a change is needed. 

How to cut Cords, Agreements, & Contracts:

Go to a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.  Surround yourself in a beautiful golden bubble of angelic protection. Call on Archangel Michael and his sword to assist you in the cutting.  Some people can visualize him coming and cutting these things, some can't. It works either way. 

Say Aloud (your voice is your signature):

Archangel Michael, please assist me in cutting all cords, agreements, and contracts that no longer serve my highest good. I ask that these cords, agreements and contracts be cut in the past, present and future, across all timelines, all dimensions, and all parallel worlds. I cut all things that no longer serve me. I am free to make my own destiny. So be it.  Thank you, Archangel Michael in assisting me today. It is done.

I recommend not placing any boundaries on the cutting. If you add parameters such as: don't cut cords from my spouse or children, it hinders the process. Trust that when you say "cut those that no longer serve me" that the only changes made will be in your absolute highest good. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Neutrality and Manifestation

I saw this amazing video today (link at the bottom, it’s a must watch!) of a pod of dolphins and a whale family that was filmed from the sky by a drone. The images it captured gave a view that most of us could never see without a costly helicopter ride and incredible luck of being at the right place and the right time.  It highlights the incredible potential that drones have to change the way that we view our world.  A friend of mine posted the video and questioned if we as a society are seeing more positive uses for drones in order to hide the more negative ones, like spying and bombing.  It was a good question so I started looking at our perception of things and what that means for the manifestation of our world. 

Everything has a good and bad side, everything. Even a ball point pen can be a useful writing instrument or it could be a weapon.  Drones are not good or bad. They just are, it is our perception that labels them one way or another. If I see an item as either good or bad, I am feeding into the duality of the matrix.  However, if I see them as both, as having the potential for good or evil, I am viewing them as neutral.  Neutrality is where manifestation lies.

Once you are at the place of neutrality – you then have a choice in how you wish to perceive something. You can choose to see a person, event, place, or item in a mostly negative light or you can frame your perception to be positive.

I wanted greater clarification, so I wrote with my higher self, what I learned I will use to help me manifest in all areas of my life.

When you see drones from a place of neutrality but choose to see the positive over the negative, you are manifesting a world where drones will be used for good the majority of the time. Since there is free will and humans are unpredictable, nothing will be perfect. However, if your thoughts are on the beneficial uses to the drone then 85% of the time they will be used for good in your reality.

If you then start to believe drones have a greater use as evil, the percentage changes, as you would have actually changed realities to one where the item is used for harm.  When your thoughts are mostly negative, you will be in a reality that mirrors those thoughts. As you choose to see the more positive aspects of life, you will move realities to reflect a more optimistic world.  You constantly shift realities based on your thoughts, feelings and actions. The universe responds to what you are sending out as it assumes it is the experience you must want, or else you would not be creating it.

This is how two people living in the same household can have very different views on things. They are literally in two different realities, each manifesting their thoughts and bringing to themselves confirmation of their beliefs. Look at your Facebook, when you are feeling unsure, unhappy or fearful do not others posts reflect these feelings as well?  This is why we urge you to remain positive, to have positive friends and to turn away from those who are wrapped in fear.  When a person is experiencing duality, good vs. evil, they are unable to create their own desires. Manifestation requires neutrality, the belief that everything in the universe can be both good and bad; it is our perception of it that makes it so. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dimensions & Levels within towards Enlightenment

As I have been going through the ascension process, I've spent a lot of time wondering if any of the physical symptoms, the constant clearing and reevaluating of self was doing anything to advance me on this journey.  So many times I felt stuck, lost, even in a void.  I wanted a guide book, step by step instructions on what was next. I asked one of my higher selves if there was a guidebook, received a yes answer but then heard a chuckle because it is in the language of light which I am unable to interpret yet. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor.  I knew that I was processing, could feel light codes coming in, and could feel myself holding more light and changing, but I wanted concrete answers, something quantifiable.  When I tuned into these feelings, the pushes from solar flares, planet alignments and my own personal changes, I realized that there were levels and I was moving up that golden spiral one level at a time.

Each dimension we pass through has its own levels and each level is a lesson we must master before moving to the next one.  These lessons are different for every person as our needs and purpose are not the same. I began to be able to tell that I had moved to a new level when I experienced moments of incredible clarity, beauty, and insights. On the other hand, some levels triggered strong emotions and ego resurgence to show me areas I needed to work on. Some levels had events & themes in my life resurfacing for me to handle that last time.  Some even brought up deeply buried memories so that I could look at them with forgiveness and release to the universe. Each level I move into brings an increased sense of peace and allowing. The world around me hasn't changed so much, but my perception of it has.

Upon realizing that these intense emotions were lessons I had to go through it was much easier to return to center and find my inner peace. Some levels I have sailed through and others have brought me to my knees. I personally found Dimensions 4 & 5 to be the most difficult so far; they have the fewest lessons, but take the most time. It is in these realms that we awaken to truth and begin to control our egos.   It is where we take a look at our lives, patterns, and behaviors and make solid change.

Resisting made the process so much more difficult so I have begun to see each new lesson as a challenge and as a way to see exactly what I need to work on.  Now when I am at odds within myself I question:  Is my ego rising and causing me problems? Am I not allowing others to be where they are on their spiritual journey? Am I slipping back into fear and lack? Is that old life theme coming back to derail me, such as money, relationships, or health issues?  Have I stepped away from my heart center and acted without compassion and love?  By asking these questions I am able to dissect what is happening with me and return to that place of love, joy, and allowing. I now ask my Higher Self daily to see where I am in the process and have found that I am no longer anxious, I hope it does the same for you. 

Levels to Ascension also known as the Path to Enlightenment



Hu level

17 levels
Hu 1
Holds the physical body
19 levels
Hu 2
This level holds our soul identity. This is where we begin merging with our higher selves.   
27 levels
28 levels
29 levels
Hu 3
This level holds our Over Soul identity. We merge with this self as well.
29 levels
29 levels
34 levels
Hu 4
This level is where we merge with our Avatar identity. The Sanskrit word avatar literally means “descent”. It refers to the descent of divinity from heaven to earth.
34 levels
34 levels
39 levels
Hu 5
This level is where we merge with our Rishi Identity.  A Rishi is a spiritual master who has mastered the Spiritual Sciences through long and persistent efforts.   
39 levels
39 levels