Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood, Quan Yin. 9-3-2014

Greetings! I come to you with so much love and appreciation in my heart. We know that many of you have not had an easy time during this transition. I sit in all of the brave souls who signed up to incarnate on earth during this time. Many portals have opened up recently that allow for true multidimensional travel. Species that have been unable to assist in this process due to the lower vibrational levels are now able to come in. Your body is also opening up, the chakras expanding. These are the keys to being able to see and hear multidimensionally. It really is an exciting time. However, this process is not easy on the body. Many are feeling pain and pressure in their chakras, heart palpitations, and a pervasive anxiety. This is a hard process for those who know of the changes taking place, imagine how it is for those not quite awakened.

We ask that when you feel these feelings that you take a moment, be still and ask that all your chakras, cells, and DNA align with LOVE. That your entire being aligns to LOVE frequency. See love as a color, coming down and changing your body, helping ease into this transition. Being aligned completely to love is your natural state. This is where you are headed and getting your body used to that feeling will help you to remember.

Some of you are headed to or have arrived physically in the fifth dimension. You may notice subtle changes in your environment, challenges lessoning and a clear connection to source energy. The journey is not over when you arrive at the vibrational level of the fifth dimension, it has actually just intensified. It is in the fifth dimension that your physical structure becomes crystalline in nature. It is here where you will learn how to travel dimensions, manifest your needs, and take on your life purpose. It is here that the work begins to create the world into the Utopia your heart desires. It is here that work will be done to heal Gaia and her people. While assistance is offered, the work will have to be done to create the world you desire. The trial and error of this process will deepen soul growth.

Know that the souls who have chosen to be the first on this vibrational level are not there by accident. They are the ones that have the strength, character, and experience to make true change. We understand that many of you who are being pushed and pulled by the energies can't possibly see how you can help create the world you desire. You will in time. Every day there will be more revelations and more remembering. Do your best to stay connected to source, bring love into your entire being and hold it for as long as possible. Know that the physical maladies you are experiencing will pass and the reward will be great.

We applaud your bravery and the amount that has been accomplished thus far. The process has sped up and gained momentum. There is no stopping the flow of energy's now. They will continue and all will be affected to some degree. It is important to have balance and stay out of negativity. Know that many events are being played out in the extreme to shine a light on the things that need to change. In personal lives many are feeling great change as karmic ties are being healed and released. For those unable to change and heal at this time, the lessons will continue in such an extreme that a different way, a different path will seem like the only option.

Resist the urge to jump in and save people from their lessons. This will only delay their progress. Know that all is happening in the highest good. What may look like a tragedy is in fact something that is in the highest good of all. Remain neutral and objective; you can do this with caring, compassion and love. When you are neutral and objective you are able to see things without the attachment of the mind and ego. Know that all is happening as it should even if it's not readily apparent.

Take comfort in knowing that your current state is temporary and that incredible progress has been

With high regards,

Quan Yin of the Great White Brotherhood