Friday, August 15, 2014

Spirits message - Life is literally what you make it.

The synchronicity is amazing. Been getting messages from guides about monitoring my thoughts and creating my own world. Then I was talking to this earthbound spirit who decided to stay "for the fabulous adventure of it". His message totally hits home.

Man is silly. They make all these excuses as to why they can't do something. They make the excuses and yet want to blame others for the very excuse they used. So many use crutches in life to hold them back : where they were born, their race, their culture, their age, their health, their finances, it goes on and on. Often a person will hold themselves back more than someone who tries to because of race, religion or their gender. 
It's as if man has put themselves in a cage. This cage dictates how they should act, how they succeed, how they feel others should treat them. We look at animals and think they don't have intelligence, yet that can't be further from the truth. Can you imagine a lion telling itself it can't catch a gazelle? No, of course not. It many not catch it's prey every time, but it will die trying. Yet humans will get rejected one time and go and wallow in self-pity, never trying again.
Life is literally what we make it. You hear of success stories, those that beat the odds, got out of poverty, survived abuse, or beat an incredible illness. The only difference between them and the ones that didn't is that they never told themselves that it was impossible. You must believe with every breath that life is amazing and that at any moment you can choose something different. Don't like your job? Change it. Don't like your partner or how you are treated? Walk away. You must believe that life is your creation. There is no such thing as predetermination. Every breath, every thought, every action is literally creating your tomorrows.
It's time to save yourself from yourself. let yourself out of the cage your mind has created. Know and believe that you have the power to change your world. No one can hold you back more than yourself. If you have people putting you in a box, a classification, a socio-economic group, my question to you is "Why are you letting them?"

With that he told me he was gone, ready to cross and take on the next great adventure. His energy was fantastic and I literally had a smile on my face while speaking with him.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood 8-13-14

I have come to you with a brief message. Ascension is at hand for those that choose it at this time. There are many who are choosing to wait and see the progress by the ones brave enough to jump first. Those that are part of this first group know who they are and have been working diligently to have all aspects of self ready for this transition. It is this group that has been stripped bare of all attachments to this reality.

What does this mean? For those who jump they may simply feel that something has changed. That things look different, people may react differently to them. Synchronicities will unfold, communication with guides will increase. Some may receive visits form other beings. From this place, this new location it will be much easier to say in your heart space. Downloads will still continue and you will be filled with knowledge that feels innate. It does not mean that the transition is complete, but rather just beginning. Like an astronaut, you have prepped yourself and trained for many years. You are now on the landing pad with engines running. Once you take off, jump if you will, the mission is just beginning.

Many of you, even after making the decisive jump will still have residual old programming that needs to be addressed, however it will be easier the more you anchor yourself into the new. Your bodies will change rapidly to handle the higher vibration and light. This process is not always comfortable. Think again on the the astronaut, part of the training has been to prepare them mentally and physically to handle simply getting into space. Once the rocket takes off, there is no going back, but the physical & mental test has just begun. This is where their training kicks in to get them through the incredible forces playing on their body.

You too will have to rely on what you have learned thus far. Make a list of ways to cope with the expansion, try each on until you find the right mixture. Spending time outdoors will benefit you greatly in these moments. Know that this phase will end and try to see each moment as you in a rocket heading to your destination. It's exciting, nerve-wracking, exhausting and incredible all rolled into one. Choose to see the excitement, the joy and know that it is all working perfectly. You will reach your destination. You can choose to reach it frazzled and exhausted or you can choose to arrive filled with wonder and grateful for the experience. The choice is yours.

This is a message from the White Brotherhood.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Time to create the world you want - received 8-11-14 from Gwenivere

This message is in regards to the choices people are making in their lives. Are you honoring your purpose? Are you living your joy? Humans have this belief that in order to be happy or to achieve a goal there must be sacrifice and pain. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you choose to be happy, to be joy, you attract to you your dreams and goals much faster.

Let's say that you want a sports car and know that you much save your money and work hard. One job many offer more pay, but the work is tedious and the energy at the place of employment causes you to feel miserable, out of place, even ill. The other job pays less, but the work is rewarding and your coworkers are good people. At this job you don't dread getting up in the morning. By being happy and not lost in negativity, the chance for a promotion grows. Both jobs give you the opportunity to save money and reach your goals, however one of the jobs will also aid your soul growth.

Many of you are being activated for your life purpose on earth. it is important to keep in the forefront what you want to achieve in life. Even broad generalizations help point you in a direction. Now is the time to look for clues, synchronicity and opportunities appearing. Tune into your own guidance, but also the other ways messages are given. Messages can be given through nature and other people as well. When you feel you have been given a clue, a direction, write it down so that the message is not lost. There are many beings available to help you reach your goals, but permission must be given. Just ask that all help given is in your absolute highest good for your absolute highest joy.

Now is the time to create the world you want on earth. it is now time to throw off your robe, step out of the shadows and create the world you have been shown, the one you know can exist in entirety. For each of you that has the courage to do this will be honored and supported. You are the builders of the new world. It is your ideas, your service, your love that will change everything.  Start small if you feel overwhelmed. Just know that every step you take in your pursuit to fulfill your life purpose is blazing a trail. We are helping people every step of the way.

Some expect that the new world will change overnight. This is simply not the case. When it was decided that humanity would ascend as a unit, every person was given a choice: to ascend or not to ascend. Neither is right, nor wrong but perfect for that particular soul's growth. Each soul had to make a new contract and was given the opportunity to change their life purpose, their mission.

Understand that every soul as a grand life purpose even if it does not outwardly appear so. The clerk at the store that greets the customers with an open loving heart is just as important as the soul who creates technology to clean pollution. To place value on your purpose in terms of money, exposure, or by what others think is to be trapped in the old 3D thinking. No soul is better or more valuable than another. Maybe the clerk at the store will help restore the inventors drive to help humanity and ensure that he/she does not give up on dreams and goals. For those that are confused and uncertain as to their live purpose, ask for guidance. Ask for it to come in dreams, messages, flashes of insight, or communication with the natural world. There are many ways that we attempt to give you clues and create guideposts on your path.

The question is now - If you could use your innate abilities & talents to do anything in the world, what would it be?

If you are unsure, then ask that you simply be love, be joy, and remain heart centered in all aspects of your life. Sit back and watch your life change. For at the heart of every life purpose or mission is love. Simply love. If you can hold that vibration, you have reached a major goal.

Much love, Gwenivere