Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood 8-13-14

I have come to you with a brief message. Ascension is at hand for those that choose it at this time. There are many who are choosing to wait and see the progress by the ones brave enough to jump first. Those that are part of this first group know who they are and have been working diligently to have all aspects of self ready for this transition. It is this group that has been stripped bare of all attachments to this reality.

What does this mean? For those who jump they may simply feel that something has changed. That things look different, people may react differently to them. Synchronicities will unfold, communication with guides will increase. Some may receive visits form other beings. From this place, this new location it will be much easier to say in your heart space. Downloads will still continue and you will be filled with knowledge that feels innate. It does not mean that the transition is complete, but rather just beginning. Like an astronaut, you have prepped yourself and trained for many years. You are now on the landing pad with engines running. Once you take off, jump if you will, the mission is just beginning.

Many of you, even after making the decisive jump will still have residual old programming that needs to be addressed, however it will be easier the more you anchor yourself into the new. Your bodies will change rapidly to handle the higher vibration and light. This process is not always comfortable. Think again on the the astronaut, part of the training has been to prepare them mentally and physically to handle simply getting into space. Once the rocket takes off, there is no going back, but the physical & mental test has just begun. This is where their training kicks in to get them through the incredible forces playing on their body.

You too will have to rely on what you have learned thus far. Make a list of ways to cope with the expansion, try each on until you find the right mixture. Spending time outdoors will benefit you greatly in these moments. Know that this phase will end and try to see each moment as you in a rocket heading to your destination. It's exciting, nerve-wracking, exhausting and incredible all rolled into one. Choose to see the excitement, the joy and know that it is all working perfectly. You will reach your destination. You can choose to reach it frazzled and exhausted or you can choose to arrive filled with wonder and grateful for the experience. The choice is yours.

This is a message from the White Brotherhood.

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