Friday, December 12, 2014

Guides Discussion on my Fear of Failure

I share this with you because I am not the only one that has failed at many things and find myself afraid to be exactly who I am. I am taking steps and have made huge strides over the last year, but underneath is this nagging fear. For me my fear of failure, makes it so I stop myself.

A guide came to me today, she was young and Korean with a beautiful light around her. She had this etheric quality. She told me that she had things to tell me, that I should pay attention and write them down. Her strong tone got my attention.

You have a fearful soul when it comes to success. Do you know why this is? You were not allowed to fail. Your attempts were laughed at and it bruised your tender soul. You shined so brightly with an innocence that most did not understand. and you were unable to laugh at yourself. You've put yourself in a box of pass/fail and forgot to enjoy the journey.
You have a choice, you can stay in that place of limited definition or you can expand and encompass all that is. You have your dreams and desires, they are large. Do you have the courage to follow them? To take them? To turn your back on your fears? I think you do. When you doubt look at how far you have come, look at the obstacles you placed in your path that you have trampled over. This fear, it is nothing. Look it in the eye and tell it that you will succeed. Change your definition of success. Don't view your life through a 3D lens. Instead view your success through your experiences. True success is learning and growing, not only in outward expression to the world. So many have large outward expressions but they are empty inside. Do not judge your success by these characteristics.
I don't know what to do.
You do, do what makes your heart happy. Create for the sake of creating. You will see it all unfold for you. You must have the courage to be all that you are, your true self in things, in the face of all scrutiny. This is your time. Can you feel it? Remove that webbing of fear from around you as this old programming is no longer who you are.
Is it a cord?
No, it is a webbing you have wrapped tightly around yourself. (I look down and see myself covered in a spiders web, she pushes it away from my face, and mostly off my head). You would get a glimpse out, your heart would soar and then an obstacle would appear and you retreated behind the webbing. Take it off child, take it off.
How do I do that?
By stepping into who you are. By accepting that you hold great light and the world criticizes what it can't understand. That it is not a reflection on you, but on them. Release it and let it go. Don't allow layers to be added to the webbing, instead through each bold move, each act of determination, each act of being exactly who you are, let the layers weaken and fall to your feet.
You are beautiful, let the world see it. It needs souls with open hearts full of love. Go, be wonderful, we need you.

With that, she was gone. I now understand and will choose to release myself from the webbing I created to protect my soul.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Galactic Brotherhood - 12/12 Choice Portal, Quan Yin 12/9/14

I would like to talk to you today about the 12/12 portal. We are calling this the portal of choice. At this time you have a choice to remain within the duality of your planet or to step from the traditional beliefs into oneness. For those that are ready, this portal will see big changes in your thinking and in how you react to the world around you. When you have made these changes within you will see them mirrored in those around you.

We understand that to remove yourself from duality is a difficult step. It is to turn your back on everything you have known and been taught. You will no longer see the differences in yourself in comparison to others as highlighted by your reigning religions and governments. Instead, you will be able to see parts of yourself in every person you encounter. You will also begin to see the true source of all beings, their soul. When you are able to see this, you will find it difficult to condemn and highlight differences among people. By stepping out of duality you will begin to see the absolute beauty of life on earth. You will see it for what it is, a great place for learning and experiencing ALL THAT IS.  You will see the beauty in the lessons people have chosen and the roles they have experienced. By being able to see the soul source of all beings, you will see that darkness is just a role within the matrix, a chosen experience. Just as the light is a chosen experience within the matrix as well. You will be able to return to your true nature which is one of neutrality and love. 

Once you choose to leave duality behind you will be able to allow others to experience their life as they have chosen without feeling the need to change them. You will see all as it is, perfect. Each thing, each event, each action is perfectly designed for the soul to get the knowledge and lesson that was agreed upon before your sojourn to earth. When you see the perfectness in all of creation, you will serve as a guide to others. You will be the beacon that they seek, as your energy is one of peaceful neutrality. Many will seek the comfort of a non-Judgemental guide. You will be able to show an alternative way of being, but understand and have compassion for those not ready to follow the path before them. 

Understand that being neutral does not mean that you lack compassion. In fact, your compassion will only increase, you will feel love and understanding for both the victim and the perpetrator. You will understand and be able to see the beauty and lessons in both roles. You will innately understand the contracts that both are fulfilling so that their soul growth is accomplished. 

Should you choose to leave duality behind during the 12-12 portal, you will be tested. You could be tested through personal lessons and by the world at large. We ask that you always remember that all are divine beings of light at their core. By remembering that earth is a place where souls have come to experience duality and learn their chosen lessons, it will be easier to remain neutral. 

We are very pleased at the number of souls that are preparing to leave duality. It is a testimate to the amount of work people have done within themselves.

That is all for now, 
Quan Yin