These portals are opportunities for you to propel yourself forward if you are ready to surrender the need to control. True surrendering is accepting what is by changing your definitions of things and aspects of your life. Often you have labeled things as good or bad and limit your joy by your perceptions.
This particular portal or gateway will begin on 11–11 and last for a few days after. Make notes of what you experience, dream, and how you are thinking and feeling. The solar flares that are coming into earth right now are magnifying areas in your life that need attention. It will magnify areas in your life that need to change and likewise you will find that the things that bring you joy are magnified as well. These are your guideposts pointing you in the correct direction. Solar flares can be physically uncomfortable for the body. Many experience headaches, body aches, changes in sleep patterns, and anxiety. For those who are particularly sensitive you will sense certain chakras being opened, cleared and expanded. This two to be uncomfortable. We ask that you go into a place of gratitude because these feelings mean the changes are happening within. It is important to release as much as you can during this time. What is completely released will not follow you into the portal.
It is a time for new beginnings as many of you are merging from your cocoon and are ready to be the beacon of light that you have become. Shine that light with love for all of the world to see and follow. Embrace your joy and allow source energy to work through you. Many are just awakening and will need assistance but more importantly hope. Hope that you can give them that the journey has been worth it, even with all the difficulty and changes each of you have experienced. They will need the gentle reassurance that this too shall pass.
For many this gateway will see you exploring your place in the multi-verse. Through connection with your highest self, you will begin to remember who you are and why you chose to assist the earth and mankind during this incredible time. You will be receiving upgrades to your Lightbody and chakra system. These upgrades will allow you to move one step further in releasing old programming that keeps you from remembering your divine nature. Again, we ask that you chart your progress. This will help you release lingering doubts and beliefs which is essential for becoming your I AM presence.
We ask but your approach this portal and the upcoming one with excitement and anticipation for the growth you are experiencing. Many of you are impatient, wanting more and at a faster pace. We understand but ask that you view all of your growth as a whole, you will then be amazed at how much you have released and let go of in such a short time. We are thrilled with your accomplishments and are in awe of all that has been completed.
Go in joy,
Quan Yin