Friday, January 16, 2015

Soul Contracts and Unconditional Love - Quan Yin - Galactic Brotherhood - 1-16-15

Since the start of the New Year there has been a large energetic shift that has affected everyone in varying degrees. The amount in which you have felt and gained from this shift signifies the amount of soul work you have done prior to this moment. For some, this period will bring about harmony, a time of joining with others and finding your place in the world. There will be changes made, but they will all be made in the flow and therefore will feel guided and natural. For others, this time will bring about great changes within and out. For there will be choices that must be made. The choice between honoring your highest good and continuing patterns will be made.

For this purpose we would like to discuss soul contracts and unconditional love. We hope that with greater understanding of these concepts, the choice to choose your absolute highest good becomes clear. When you decide to come into earth, you create soul contracts with many. Some are simple and brief; for example the woman at the grocery store that while in a conversation is able to give you an idea that you had not previously considered. Others can be long and complex, such as contracts with family and romantic partners. All contracts regardless of their duration are designed to help you grow. Long standing contracts are designed to change in dynamics and grow as you grow and learn.

Not all contracts are meant to stay with you forever, some may need to end for continued soul growth. This concept has never proved more difficult than when it is with a loved one. You have been programmed that unconditional love means staying by some one's side, accepting who they are and their actions regardless of the cost to self. This cannot be further from the truth. Unconditional love means that you are willing to allow another to experience the life they have chosen for their own soul growth. It does not mean that you have to participate in their life and it certainly does not mean that you should sacrifice yourself and your soul growth.

Those in unhealthy relationships have contracted with each other for lessons to be provided. The abusive spouse may have contracted to help teach the other to stand up for themselves and not allow themselves to be mistreated. Once the lesson is learned, the partner breaks free from the relationship and the contract is over. The hope is that the lesson of caring and loving oneself was learned so that the behavior and relationship choice is not repeated. While and abusive spouse is an extreme example, there are many smaller contracts and relationships that are also testing your ability to act in your highest good at all times. If someone is emotionally, financially, or physically draining on you, then to continue would not be in your highest good. Your relationship and the boundaries created needs to be changed so that your highest good is done.

Many of you on this path are empathic and have an unlimited capacity to love. It is in your nature to want to help another, we understand the desire and admire your open, loving hearts. However, understand that balance must be kept. You must find a space within yourself that allows you to be open, loving, giving without sacrificing yourself. To constantly do things for another, to give of yourself, without the other person assuming responsibility and accountability is actually hindering both of your soul growth.

Think back to when you learned a skill such as riding a bike. You feel, you struggled, you may have even bruised and bloodied yourself. If your parent had stepped in for fear you would get hurt, you never would have learned. It may have been uncomfortable, even nerve wracking for your parent to watch you get hurt and frustrated. They pushed on, allowing you to learn and succeed because they knew the reward was worth the pain.  Now take this to a grander scale, you may have someone in your life who is always in crisis needing help. You can assist them time and time again or you can allow the person to fall, get hurt, so that they are then forced to make new and different decisions. This can be painful to watch, especially for open hearted souls, but understand the power of letting someone experience and learn from their creation is very important. This is in fact unconditional love. You may have contracted with this person to help them learn self sufficiency, self reliance and the ability to persevere. If you are constantly rescuing them, you are not honoring your contact.

Allow this energetic shift to illuminate areas in your life where you need to renegotiate contracts so that your highest good , your highest joy is achieved in all things. Allow this energy flooding your planted to not only purge the toxins from your body, but those in your thoughts. Allow it to help you find balance in relationships and the courage to make change, even radical change when needed. Honor yourself and your highest good, in that  happiness and reunion with self lies.

With Love,

Quan Yin

On a personal note:
The idea of contracts and lessons was shown very clearly in a dream last week. Years ago, our family took in a foster child, he was not a bad kid, but had anger issues and uncontrollable rage at points. His anger really affected me, I started retracting inside myself and was extremely stressed. I began to have nightmares of my childhood memories of my father going into a drunken rage. As an empath, it was not easy living in that house as a child, I honestly thought I had healed and forgiven my dad for his outbursts and their affects on me. This foster child, showed me very clearly that I had not completed my healing and it didn't take much to bring it all back. Our relationship with this teen ended not because of his anger and my reaction but because we learned that it's not a good idea to have a teen boy in a house with teen girls, this was 6 years ago. Last week I had a dream that I saw him and I thanked him for honoring his contract to show me that I still had parts needing healing from my childhood. He hugged me and said that it was his pleasure. I woke from that dream understanding even more about the gift people bring us all the time even if at the time it doesn't feel like a gift. 

*** As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! 
Much love to you, Jenny Schiltz

Monday, January 12, 2015

Galactic Brotherhood - It's Time to Forgive Yourselves - Sananda - 1/12/15


I want to take a moment today and talk to you about forgiveness. As many of you are aware, you have received an energetic upgrade since the New Year. This upgrade can be very powerful if you allow it to assist you in releasing all that no longer serves you.
Many of you are entering the place of neutrality, where you see the beauty in all things, even those things that are deemed negative. You are beginning to grasp the truth behind the words "All is in your highest good.". Many of you have known of the concept, struggled to fully understand it but now you are actually able to feel the truth int he words. This is not an easy thing and you should feel very proud of your accomplishment, especially when surrounded by others that are still entrenched in duality. To keep your neutrality and not fall into judgement is not easy. As you practice this new way to be, you may lapse into judgement, even horror at the current events of the world. We understand and ask that you bring yourself back to center as quickly as possible. You will find that anything less will feel very uncomfortable in the body. Eventually you will feel that to leave neutrality is so unnatural that you will recognized the slightest slip, the slightest thought that moves you from center. Do not be concerned that others are not in this space, they will arrive when it is their time. 
You have done incredible work to arrive at this place that has been called the zero point. You have forgiven those that hurt you and even are able to see the purpose behind events in your life. You are able to glimpse the grand design behind tragedies while feeling compassion and understanding for those living through  and affected by such events. It is beautiful to be able to view things from a grander perspective but respond on a very human level with caring and compassion. This is how you will change the world. This is how you can heal those around you, by simply caring and having compassion for all involved while not getting entrenched in right versus wrong, good versus evil. 
We are very proud of the work you have done and how much you have achieved. Every day more light is held by your world, every day more connections are made to the higher grids and to the earth herself. As the grids are being created in higher dimension, the ones in the 5th & 6th dimensions are becoming fortified, widened and strengthened to allow the masses to move forward.  We are aware of the work all of you have done to hold the light within, to be a beacon, and a pillar of peace in chaos. So many of you are able to forgive others very easily. However, many of you are not extending this grace to yourselves. You can not fully embrace neutrality until you are able  to completely forgive yourselves for perceived wrongs. You need to acknowledge that every wrong turn, everything you did to another, has led you to this place, this time. We have asked that you reconnect with your inner child and many of you are doing that. Now we ask that you fully forgive yourself for all things that have caused you guilt & shame. Guilt, regret and shame weigh heavy on the heart and will keep you from rising to your potential. We ask that you forgive yourself, release yourself, and love yourself as you have done for others. It is time to extend neutrality to yourself. 
So many of you are very hard on yourselves and don't acknowledge all the good things you have done and the work you have completed. . We ask that you forgive yourselves and see yourself as we see you, as beautiful, shining souls.
Love yourself as I love you,