Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dimensions & Levels within towards Enlightenment

As I have been going through the ascension process, I've spent a lot of time wondering if any of the physical symptoms, the constant clearing and reevaluating of self was doing anything to advance me on this journey.  So many times I felt stuck, lost, even in a void.  I wanted a guide book, step by step instructions on what was next. I asked one of my higher selves if there was a guidebook, received a yes answer but then heard a chuckle because it is in the language of light which I am unable to interpret yet. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor.  I knew that I was processing, could feel light codes coming in, and could feel myself holding more light and changing, but I wanted concrete answers, something quantifiable.  When I tuned into these feelings, the pushes from solar flares, planet alignments and my own personal changes, I realized that there were levels and I was moving up that golden spiral one level at a time.

Each dimension we pass through has its own levels and each level is a lesson we must master before moving to the next one.  These lessons are different for every person as our needs and purpose are not the same. I began to be able to tell that I had moved to a new level when I experienced moments of incredible clarity, beauty, and insights. On the other hand, some levels triggered strong emotions and ego resurgence to show me areas I needed to work on. Some levels had events & themes in my life resurfacing for me to handle that last time.  Some even brought up deeply buried memories so that I could look at them with forgiveness and release to the universe. Each level I move into brings an increased sense of peace and allowing. The world around me hasn't changed so much, but my perception of it has.

Upon realizing that these intense emotions were lessons I had to go through it was much easier to return to center and find my inner peace. Some levels I have sailed through and others have brought me to my knees. I personally found Dimensions 4 & 5 to be the most difficult so far; they have the fewest lessons, but take the most time. It is in these realms that we awaken to truth and begin to control our egos.   It is where we take a look at our lives, patterns, and behaviors and make solid change.

Resisting made the process so much more difficult so I have begun to see each new lesson as a challenge and as a way to see exactly what I need to work on.  Now when I am at odds within myself I question:  Is my ego rising and causing me problems? Am I not allowing others to be where they are on their spiritual journey? Am I slipping back into fear and lack? Is that old life theme coming back to derail me, such as money, relationships, or health issues?  Have I stepped away from my heart center and acted without compassion and love?  By asking these questions I am able to dissect what is happening with me and return to that place of love, joy, and allowing. I now ask my Higher Self daily to see where I am in the process and have found that I am no longer anxious, I hope it does the same for you. 

Levels to Ascension also known as the Path to Enlightenment



Hu level

17 levels
Hu 1
Holds the physical body
19 levels
Hu 2
This level holds our soul identity. This is where we begin merging with our higher selves.   
27 levels
28 levels
29 levels
Hu 3
This level holds our Over Soul identity. We merge with this self as well.
29 levels
29 levels
34 levels
Hu 4
This level is where we merge with our Avatar identity. The Sanskrit word avatar literally means “descent”. It refers to the descent of divinity from heaven to earth.
34 levels
34 levels
39 levels
Hu 5
This level is where we merge with our Rishi Identity.  A Rishi is a spiritual master who has mastered the Spiritual Sciences through long and persistent efforts.   
39 levels
39 levels


  1. Jen, this is great. Well, I think it's great... I can't verify it's accuracy as I didn't know anything about these dimensions and levels before..... but that's EXACTLY why you and Gertrude put your heads together to write this for us!! I LOVE to learn from you. You are a trusted source of information for me and I will appreciate it all the way to the 15th dimension!!!!!

  2. Read Place 33, Secrets of Universal Truths Revealed.
