Monday, March 3, 2014

Neutrality and Manifestation

I saw this amazing video today (link at the bottom, it’s a must watch!) of a pod of dolphins and a whale family that was filmed from the sky by a drone. The images it captured gave a view that most of us could never see without a costly helicopter ride and incredible luck of being at the right place and the right time.  It highlights the incredible potential that drones have to change the way that we view our world.  A friend of mine posted the video and questioned if we as a society are seeing more positive uses for drones in order to hide the more negative ones, like spying and bombing.  It was a good question so I started looking at our perception of things and what that means for the manifestation of our world. 

Everything has a good and bad side, everything. Even a ball point pen can be a useful writing instrument or it could be a weapon.  Drones are not good or bad. They just are, it is our perception that labels them one way or another. If I see an item as either good or bad, I am feeding into the duality of the matrix.  However, if I see them as both, as having the potential for good or evil, I am viewing them as neutral.  Neutrality is where manifestation lies.

Once you are at the place of neutrality – you then have a choice in how you wish to perceive something. You can choose to see a person, event, place, or item in a mostly negative light or you can frame your perception to be positive.

I wanted greater clarification, so I wrote with my higher self, what I learned I will use to help me manifest in all areas of my life.

When you see drones from a place of neutrality but choose to see the positive over the negative, you are manifesting a world where drones will be used for good the majority of the time. Since there is free will and humans are unpredictable, nothing will be perfect. However, if your thoughts are on the beneficial uses to the drone then 85% of the time they will be used for good in your reality.

If you then start to believe drones have a greater use as evil, the percentage changes, as you would have actually changed realities to one where the item is used for harm.  When your thoughts are mostly negative, you will be in a reality that mirrors those thoughts. As you choose to see the more positive aspects of life, you will move realities to reflect a more optimistic world.  You constantly shift realities based on your thoughts, feelings and actions. The universe responds to what you are sending out as it assumes it is the experience you must want, or else you would not be creating it.

This is how two people living in the same household can have very different views on things. They are literally in two different realities, each manifesting their thoughts and bringing to themselves confirmation of their beliefs. Look at your Facebook, when you are feeling unsure, unhappy or fearful do not others posts reflect these feelings as well?  This is why we urge you to remain positive, to have positive friends and to turn away from those who are wrapped in fear.  When a person is experiencing duality, good vs. evil, they are unable to create their own desires. Manifestation requires neutrality, the belief that everything in the universe can be both good and bad; it is our perception of it that makes it so. 

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