Thursday, April 17, 2014

Energies bringing issues to the surface

Its Spring, a time for cleaning, de-cluttering, opening up the windows and airing out the stale air. This is true not only for our home but for what no longer serves our greatest joy. It's a time to examine our life, relationships, and purpose.  The energy flows that we are experiencing are intense, but they are helping us purge and get ready for the new life that spring brings. This is not an easy time for many; it can feel as if we are bouncing between bliss and misery with stops anywhere in between.  It's as if the universe is squeezing, pushing, pulling us to look at our lives and see what has worked and what has not. Even some things we thought we had healed and released are coming up for that one last look, one last examination. The universe’s way of saying "This is where you have been, you can keep this or move beyond it."  It's also a chance to offer gratitude before the final release with the realization that everything has helped you, even the painful parts to reach the place where you are today. 

For some these energies are just plain uncomfortable. We feel unsettled, stressed, unhappy, and anxious and we are searching for a cause. It is easy to blame the current events, relationships; finances, employment or whatever else it is that you feel is causing your unhappiness. These however are just symptoms of inner turmoil. This feeling can cause some to make drastic changes such as leaving relationships, moving, changing jobs and other major life decisions. Don't misunderstand me, change can be good and it is often needed for great growth. We just have to be careful that we are not RUNNING from the issues within. Once you get your inside in order, all the rest will fall into place or fall away.

If you are in a relationship and it is not going well and you leave without resolving the issues within yourself, chances are you will recreate the situation wherever or with whomever you run too.   If you are in a relationship that does not fulfill your needs, a change needs to be made.  You don't need to resolve the issues with that person if it leads to a never ending battle. Instead you need to resolve the issue within yourself figure out why you allowed yourself to be in that situation or treated a certain way. What lesson was there for you to learn? Once you heal that aspect of yourself, then you can move on. Often you may find that the situation resolves itself, maybe your mate changes as you do as their contract to show you a lesson is now complete. 

Another example is if your employer or coworker causes you problems, look and see where your responsibility in the situation lies. What part of you allowed yourself to be treated poorly or has your ego created a problem where there really wasn't one? Once you find that place of hurt and heal it completely, you will not recreate a similar situation in your life. . The change in your attitude, vibration and the signals you give off may be enough to create change around you, i.e. your coworker or boss being transferred or a new job falling into your lap. 

Once we take personal responsibility for all aspects of our life we are able to make incredible change and healing. We can then see where we contributed to a problem and make corrections. The ability to know that even if the world goes to hell in a hand basket, that we are in control of our reactions is freeing. No one can make us feel anything unless we allow it.  These energies pouring in from the sun, while uncomfortable or even painful, really are a blessing. They are magnifying those areas of our lives that we need to address and heal. Take a step back and really examine the cause of your unhappiness. Placing the blame on others only makes this change longer and more painful.

Understand that healing is a process, just because I came to the realization that I allowed a past employer bully me as I felt I deserved it didn't heal the part of me that created the original belief.  I had to go deeper through many layers of self to find where that belief started and rewrite it. Then I had to examine where I allowed my negative ego to create an even greater issue. The boss was a situation I allowed/created to show me the damaged aspect within.  It took many examinations of it to see my part completely. Be gentle with yourself and have patience; it is deep, intense work.

Once you heal the underlying issue and you feel the need to make a change, don't walk, RUN to what will bring you your highest joy, you've earned it after all that inner work. 

Much love to you!

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