Monday, October 27, 2014

Galactic white brotherhood - Truth & Discernment 10-27-2014, Quan Yin

Today I want to talk to you about discernment and truth. We have asked many times that you all trust yourselves and not blindly follow what another is saying. In your world so many distortions are playing out, some are obvious and easily dismissed yet others are subtle and contain pieces of information that resonate. These pieces often lead you to accept all that you receive from that person or source. We ask that you question everything, each piece that crosses your path. You were all given intuition, it is time to reawaken that sense and feel your truth. How does your body feel when you are faced with something you firmly believe to be false? How does it feel when you are faced with something that just seems off, if ever so slightly? These are your clues. When you resonate deeply with something, your entire body sings with a knowing YES! If you don't feel this, question, question, question. Through the act of questioning you are fine-tuning your intuition and telling the universe that you are grateful for the ability. This will lead it to get much stronger.

When you come across something that does not resonate, resist the temptation to see evil or misdeeds. There is not only one truth, nor only one version of reality. You all create your own reality and choose what experiences you would like to go through. At that moment what someone reported on is indeed their truth. You will not be able to convince someone that their truth is wrong anymore then someone can convince you that your truth is wrong. Understand that even if you have had similar beliefs in the past that changed with your awakening, theirs too will change with them as they grow. To be confrontational and say that your beliefs or newfound knowledge is correct could cause the person to defend their beliefs and hold onto them more tightly. You must allow that person the freedom and respect to grow and learn as you have grown and learned. If it does not match your truth, pass it by and understand that their truth is accurate for them and their desired experience. 

Your world is playing out extremes right now, it allows for the disparity between the sides to be seen. This leads to many new people questioning their reality. This is often the first step of awakening. Don't allow yourself to be caught in the distraction and the fear. When you fear what you are reading or hearing from your media and other sources you are bringing it into your reality. It can then become a lesson as it brings to light the aspect with in self that allowed you to accept fear into your life. This is why we ask you to use discernment and question. That what you blindly accept or feed into becomes part of your reality.

We also want to take a moment to address the information surrounding Ascension. We understand that many of you believe that you would leave Earth and indeed that is correct in a sense. You will or have left the third, fourth, and even higher dimensions depending on your purpose. However, it does not mean you are physically leaving earth. Some of you will be given the option to leave by leaving the physical body, but the majority of you will decide to stay to help create a new world. You are the creator of your reality, your creations move with you as you increase your vibration and move dimensions. Indeed, many of you have already left the third dimension and have yet to realize it because all around you looks the same. 

We are aware that many have blocked their progress due to fear that they will ascend and leave their love ones. This is where we ask you, why would a loving God cause you this pain? You are not going to leave your family unless you have specifically chosen to in your life path. When you ascend, higher aspects of your love ones will you join you as long as you have contracted with them to do so. Remember, if it causes you fear, pain or grief it is not of God.

On the other spectrum are those begging to leave Earth and its heaviness. We understand, but ask you to connect with your highest source to understand why you are on earth, in any dimension at this pivotal time. You were chosen to be part of humanity returning to source. You are here to assist with the dismantling of the illusion. This is not an easy task and you were specifically chosen for your role. Connecting to your highest source will help you to feel the passion that lead you to accept this mission. We have said it before, you are the ones you've been waiting for. It is you who will help bring love in all forms to the earth. It is you who will help construct the new earth. This may seem overwhelming, but understand that no action is too small. For example, teaching children that all life matters and is connected versus allowing them to squash bugs will help create this new paradigm. Follow your heart, it will not lead you astray. You are blessed and loved beyond measure. Trust yourself and know that if it creates fear it is not of God. Let your truth be one that resonates with love.

Until next time,
Quan Yin

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