Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood - Quan Yin 10-8-14

Today I want to talk to you about gratitude. So many of you are struggling with the heaviness of the world that you live in. Even when you reach the 5th Dimension, in fact some of you already have, the heaviness does not leave entirely. Your soul comes from a higher dimensional plane where love, communication and actions are geared to the highest good of all. This is in stark contrast to the world that you agreed to incarnate into and help ascend.

You long for a constant connection with source, to feel God's love and grace because your hearts instinctively know that's where you came from. So you try many ways to connect, some leave you feeling whole and others remind you of what you perceive to have lost. I'm here to tell you that the quickest way to connect to source, to God's love is through gratitude. This concept is easy to grasp, but can be hard to put into practice when you feel that your body and mind are stressed with ascension symptoms and the task of purging and integrating your ego and shadow self.  However, it is one that if you master you will find your symptoms lessening and the universe responding to you more than ever.

You know that manifestation is possible and in the higher realms it is easier and faster. Yet, many still struggle and create more of what they don't want than what they do. This is because your focus is on your problems or the things that you don't like. Many of you try to manifest more money and then block the thoughts with anxiety that you don't have enough. Instead focus on gratitude for what you have. The universe understands and responds to gratitude by giving you more of what you are grateful for. When you turn on the light switch, tell the universe "thank you for the money to pay my light bill." This lets the universe know that you want more money so that you can have more light.

 If you are grateful for every step you take, for every person, place or experience you have imagine the message you are sending. You are telling the universe, more please. When you experience deep, heart felt gratitude you align with source energy and this is a blissful experience. The more gratitude you feel, the more you align to the universe and the more it will open to you. Allowing you to create and manifest more.

Until next time,
Quan Yin.

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