Monday, June 2, 2014

Crossing over a spirit from Zimbabwe

An African man from Zimbabwe came to see me today. He was 42 when died in 1959, he was shot by a poacher.  He worked on a small preserve. There was not much land nor money dedicated to it at this time. People didn't understand the need to protect the animals with ivory.  In some ways the preserve made those animals a target. It was easier for a poacher to come and kill an animal there then hunt them in the wild which was still allowed at the time.  

I don’t understand people; they would kill this beautiful majestic animal for ivory. I hear they make piano keys for the white men with them. How can a life be worth piano keys? I watched mothers being killed right in front of their babies. Do they think that the baby does not feel grief or pain? They do, I have seen it. I saw a baby elephant go off and die, not eating nor drinking. The rest of the herd surrounded him and tried to pick him up, give him love and support, it was not enough. He wanted his mother. 

Someone told me that they use tusks, especially rhino tusks to heal people. I find that funny. How can you heal someone with something that caused so much pain and loss? How can you ingest something that holds the energy of an animal that was slaughtered without a care just for its tusk? (I double checked that he used the word energy)  People don’t understand that if you are one with the earth and honor and respect her that you will be given all the energy and healing that you need to sustain you. When you take from her or misuse her; that is when you become sick in the mind and body. I know that more land has been given to keep the animals safe, it has not stopped the poachers though. They still kill and won’t stop until the last animal is gone. Though I get so angry at these men who would kill with such brutality, I am angrier at the ones buying these tusks. It matters not to me if they are for healing or a piano, it is a disgrace.  

When I died I didn't see a white light or tunnel. I just started walking and noticing that the animals could really see me, they noticed me more than when I was alive. It took me a while to realize that I was dead. These little people saw me living among the animals, not afraid of them, actually at home and they approached me.  I went with them and saw the work they were doing. They help the earth try to repair from the damage that man does to her every day. When I first joined them, they were a happy community, doing their work. They had family units and children. Now all that has changed, they are sick, children stopped being born and they are unable to keep up with the earth changes and everything is out of balance.  There is poison in everything from the water to the leaves on the trees. The rain holds these poisons and everything is affected by it.  The rainy season use to be such a blessing, now it just brings more problems; more that has to be corrected, more balance that has to be restored. However, without these rains there is no life at all.  The elves told me that all of life is connected; that what is done in one area will affect another on the other side of the world; that when a life is taken, it affects all.  Nothing is alone, it is like a spider walking on a web, it walks on one side and the other side of the web moves slightly. They told me that the biggest issue is that man does not seem to see their impact on others. They make up boarders and hoard resources to make money. They think that there will always be more, more food, more water, more animals, more land… well there is not. What they do on their piece of land another is doing in another spot. Even if a country acts in balance with nature, the clouds above them are from places where it is not. Their rain is poison too. None of this will change until man realizes that they are all connected and this earth is not just for them to take from.

When he finished telling me this and we went over it line by line to make sure I had heard him correctly, I asked if he was ready to go and he said yes. I thanked him for his message and time and showed him the bridge where he could cross. Just then at the top of the bridge as he started to cross came these big magnificent animals, an elephant adult and baby, a rhino and even a lion. I asked if he knew these animals and he said yes, the big elephant was one killed by poachers. I was surprised he could tell the difference and he said, don’t you see the difference in your dogs and cats. Each soul is different.  How right he is. He was overjoyed to see them again and crossed quickly.

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