Thursday, June 26, 2014

Elephant's message as she was on her way to the Great Spirit

During a mediation today this eye floated in front of me, I saw all these wrinkles around it and realized it was the eye of an elephant. A beautiful female elephant. Once I acknowledged her she showed me pictures of her and her herd, her mother was the matriarch, running through the dry Savannah, dirt swirling around their feet. She showed me her son, growing strong and her again pregnant. She showed me a great watering hole and many animals frequenting it. I told her to tell me her story and I let it flow through me. Here is her story:

There is something wrong with the water. It smells and tastes funny. Not so much that you couldn't drink it, but enough that you knew something was wrong. We had no choice on where to drink. the watering holes are becoming further and further away. Whenever you found water, you had to drink all you could before moving on. You didn't always know where the next hole of water would come from. My mother says something is wrong. You can smell it in the water, see the difference in the air. Timing is off too. Things that use to occur at a specific time are either late or early. She worries for the herd. The responsibility to keep us safe is great. In recent journeys we have seen so many animals dead, their bodies feeding the others. They were not old or very young, the ones looking healthy are dying. My mother blames the water which lays thick on the tongue and doesn't really quench the thirst. As the hole gets shallower the foul taste and smell gets worse. It takes a while to leave the trunk and it changes how food tastes.
I knew something was wrong, I no longer felt my baby move, couldn't feel the pulse of life within. The baby should have been born soon, I was slow and heavy. I got so tired and weak that I couldn't go on. My mother ranted and pushed me. The others gathered around, including my son, he would be leaving to join the males soon. I just couldn't go on. Too sick, too tired, and too thirsty. Much easier to release and return to the Great Spirit. 
I came to you, who could see and hear, to tell you something is wrong in the water.

I thanked her for the message and taking the time to come to me, as animals don't need help crossing. I told her I would get her message out. My last glimpse of her was her big, intelligent eye with a tear leaking out the corner.  



  1. Awww, how sad and beautiful. There is something wrong with the water. Thank you, Jenny. <3

    1. thank you for taking the time to read it.

  2. Replies
    1. thank you! I am honored to share the message

  3. Beautiful and clear channeling from the elephant and if you view my Astroflash, the last part shown here today that is my message too from the planets and stars. Water being bad is not the only issue but water as an element in all its forms is the challenge of the month of June BB Flash Silvermoon here is the whole thing see last paragrphs

    1. Thank you! that was awesome!

    2. The part about boundaries is really interesting, I have FINALLY learned to block out the spirits when I don't want them around. Finally peace and I can control my own emotions and set times that I work with them.
