I was talking with my guide Olie (O-lee) about ego, this was a personal chat, but what I learned I feel can benefit some. She told me that I had an ego of a mouse and I asked if this was a good thing.
Olie: Some have the ego of a lion, some of the mouse, both are destructive, both will make you bleed. A mouse is constantly shredding things, chewing and destroying, while a lion will rip you in one swift blow. Both are painful, the lion is easier to see and easier to stop, the mouse is sneaky and hard to catch. An ego of a lion can get you in trouble as you see yourself better than others. On the other hand the ego of a mouse will stop you from becoming who you are. Both are destructive, both will make you bleed.
Me: I get worried that my ego is lying to me when I hear praise on my progress or my ability to see & hear other dimensions.
Olie: Don't you also receive information on what you are doing wrong?
Me: No, wrong is the wrong word. I receive guidance on what needs worked on and changed. I then work on these areas.
Olie: Ah, that's how you have gotten so far. (she then flashed a picture of me working years ago at a job). Would you have been able to do the same then?
Me: No, I would have been offended and pissed.
Olie: See how far you have come?
Me: Yes, now I do.
Olie: What is it that you want?
Me: I want to write a book and share my experiences with others to help them
Olie: Then write a book and continue to have experiences to share.
Me: I want to be somebody
Olie: Are you not already somebody? Ah this is where your ego comes in. It's not pretty. Your ego is telling you that you are not somebody, that your existence is not worthy unless you do. Yet, by the very act of being you are changing people's lives. Do people not seek your presence? Do they not crave your smile? When you don't give it to them they feel uncertain. Does this sound like the characteristics of a no-body? You need not withhold your light, your love as in fact is is denying who you are at your core. You have incredible love and light but your job is to give it away. Not just to strangers, but to those who you feel have wronged you in some way. That is why when you are upset with someone you don't look them in the eye, because the minute you do, your purpose is reminded and you become love and joy again. Stop denying yourself this. When you do, you feel bad and uncomfortable inside and it's not due to their presence but you denying love to them. It goes against your core. I'm not saying that you shouldn't get angry or speak your mind, but once it is done, let it go and forgive, then return to your natural state of love and light.
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