Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lesson on Balance

Discussion with Olie on balance. It was initially in regards to my crossing over spirits which was beginning to take a toll on me emotionally and on a vibrational level:

Humans feel that they have to sacrifice things, particularly themselves. Your main job is to exude and be love and joy. That is why you are here. How you choose to do that is up to you. Yes, we want you to use your talents, but the minute these talents over take you you are lost to human thinking. You no longer are joy.
Humans have been taught self-sacrifice through religion and other means. Do you think Jesus sacrificed himself?

Yes it's what we've been taught

Well, he didn't. He pursued his own personal ascension and hoped others would follow.

What about the miracles? Did he perform them?

Yes, in a sense but what he did was activate within people the ability to heal themselves. He did this by simply being love and joy and exuding light from within.

Anything that causes us to lose our joy needs to be examined. What did it invoke in us? Why did we lose our joy? We then need to return to center.

Joy may be too strong of a word

Peace then, neutrality. The feeling that all is right in the world.

Yes, you will still have mundane tasks like dishes and laundry. You choose how you approach them, with joy or unhappiness, with judgement or neutrality.

We are all still working towards being in joy at every moment. When we find ourselves not in a feeling of joy, we take note of the situation, what it can teach us, retrain our thinking and return to center. For instance, you have a long trip ahead, you begin to get bored. You can continue with that line of thinking and move yourself further from neutrality towards judgement or you can retrain your thoughts to see the boredom as an opportunity to read a book, really see the earth around you or even to go within to silence. The choice is yours. The task remains the same, your perspective on it is what changes. Change your thoughts and go back to joy and neutrality.

 I enjoy crossing over spirits and talking to the ones with incredible stories, I don't want to stop that but...

But, you lost your balance. Do what you want as long as it keeps you feeling joy. When you began to feel pressured, burdened, or stressed that is when you need to set up boundaries. If after you set up boundaries and stick to them you still don't return to joy, you need to find something new so that you stay in a place of peace.  Remember your job is to help others by being love and joy anything that moves you from that is working against your natural state, your purpose.

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