This information was received from my guide Thaddius. He came through this morning. Some of this information may only pertain to me. Keep what resonates with your soul and discard the rest. I was feeling rough with the energies and his vibration soothed me immediately. Here is a link to the first time this being of light introduced himself Thaddius and information on the New Earth He knew that I was filled with doubt and concern and here is his advice:
We want you to keep your own council. When you read other channelings and other's perspectives you create doubt within yourself. Do not put another perspective above your own. Group collaboration and validation can be helpful, but understand that no two of you have the same experiences. You are each unique and your goals and paths are also unique. The only true thing you have in common is the desire to ascend and return to self. The detail however are personal and relate only to that person.
We showed you the image of a raging river and you being swept away in the current. This is true for all on this path. You have a choice to fight the current, hang by the shore and to even stop your progress and tether to the side. We recommend however that you allow and let go, float towards the center. This river is a good illustration for the intense amounts of light coming in to your planet at this time. At times the frequencies will be smooth, calming and other times it is rapids that leave you feeling unsure and unsteady. Know however that all things are unfolding as planned. Things will not slow down from this point forward. We have been given the green light to continue sending light to upgrade the human vehicle. many are receiving help in repairing aspects of the body and communication systems.
Only you can stop this progress by deliberately stopping yourself and not allowing change to take you. If you hold onto the old, it drags you down in the river and slows your progress. We recommend cutting all your cords twice daily, making it a part of your meditation or reflection practice, as these will slow you down or stop you completely. (Instructions on how to cut cords)
Each of you are in the river at different spots, different locations, with different circumstances. How can you possible compare? While one may be on a bend unable to see the next part of the river and this can cause doubt and fear, another is in a long, smooth open stretch. Neither is right nor wrong, but perfect for that soul and their journey.
When I viewed myself from above in the current of the river I saw that it was long, twisty, and the sides had deep canyons. Is this accurate?
Yes, this is not a sprint, but a marathon. It is a process that will take time. the more the body is allowed to adjust the faster it goes. The further down the river, the deeper the sides. You will then have a harder time stopping yourself and will be caught up in the current. How easy this is on your body is up to you. If you fight every change and constantly label your physical feelings as wrong, this will be harder. Instead, come from a place of understanding that this is necessary and thought he process can be uncomfortable at times, it will pass. The less you resist the faster it passes.
Many are feeling anxiety and unease. This is two-fold. The first part is that your body is panicked by the changes in light. It doesn't understand and sends stress signals that can manifest as heart palpitations, chest tightness, nausea, and a feeling that all is not well. Talk to your body, tell it that it is fine. You took this advice the other day and after repeatedly telling the body that it was fine, the symptoms eased. Talk to the body as many times as needed for it to understand. (I literally chanted for 10 minutes "Body you are fine, stop sending distress signals" for 10 minutes and the tightness around my throat that felt like a dog collar eased up).
The second reason for the anxiety is that you all are stepping into the unknown. the mind/ego (he was very clear that they are the same, not separate) are not wanting to lose control and are trying to hold you in place. It uses fear, doubt, and uncertainty to get you to return to thinking with the mind/ego and not with your heart. Thank the mind/ego for its part in your life and tell it not to be afraid. You will never completely lose your mind/ego, instead it is a taming of it, making it a part of your team. Ignoring your thoughts only helps for a short time. Instead, talk to it as you would a child, with love and compassion. Tell your mind/ego that the heart is in charge now and there is nothing to fear.
When I was viewing from above. I saw that after a very long way it empties into the sea. Is this accurate?
Yes, eventually when your body can hold all the light, you will reach the calm sea. This will feel like bliss to no longer be integrating light codes. We've been told to expect that when you hit this spot that anxiety could come up and be overwhelming. Some of you will be so use to the turbulence in the river that you won't understand why it has stopped. This could lead to doubting, confusion and wondering if you have done something wrong. Instead know that this is your destination. That you want to be pulled into the sea for then you will truly be light and create light.
I woke with this saying on my mind:
I am an open channel of light
Light flows through me
easily, constantly, effortlessly
The light dissolves all blocks within me.
I am integrating with the light,
the true essence of my being.
I am an open channel of light
Do you think this will help ease the transition?
Yes, this sets your intention and will help integration. It's like giving your body the green light to accept changes gracefully. Visualizing yourself as a being of light will help too.
Thank you. Is there anything else you need me to know?
Yes, stop focusing on future events and create your now. Your actions and thoughts today are creating your tomorrow. If you are always focused on what is to come, you are not truly creating your life. Focus instead on your personal goals and take steps daily to achieve them. Know that you will be supported and aided in all ways.
(After that we engaged in personal conversation and I want to share this part)
Me: Sometimes I feel like I am crazy
Thaddius: Yes, well you are (said in a joking manner)
Me: I've heard that all the best people are crazy
Thaddius: In your world its the crazy ones that make a difference
Me: What about in your world?
Thaddius: We are all crazy
Here's to the crazy ones <3
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