Monday, December 22, 2014

Guide for surviving the releasing process and downloads. Going beyond cutting cords

We have entered a new phase in this ascension process. Instead of downloads coming at determinate times, they are non-stop now. The light codes are intense and are changing everything in our world, but even more so, it is changing us. No longer will we see huge leaps taken in groups upon planet alignments, solstices and other events. Now, more so than ever this process has become very personal and individualized.

Our bodies are going from a carbon structure to a crystalline structure. The only way it can do this is for us to clear and remove all things that no longer serve. This encompasses so many aspects of our life and it can make this process long and painful. Understand that with the switching on of our DNA to begin accepting the downloading of the crystalline codes, we are going through a physical and mental cleansing. Most of our pain, physical and emotional is actually us resisting change. Our body is confused, stressed and needs extra care taken. Our emotional and spiritual states can feel like we are in a blender of up and down emotions. Often we are resisting releasing and don't even realize that we were resisting in the first place, this can make letting go even harder. With each piece we release, we make room for the crystalline light codes to be downloaded and processed within our bodies.

Below are techniques that I use to move through these downloads with as little pain as possible. These are my techniques and they work for me in this now. I say, in this now, because as I evolve, my techniques change and evolve too. This is an ever changing process and we need to avoid getting stuck in a rut. Feel free to try them and if they work, great! If one works and others don't resonate, great! If you read this and none of it seems to click, great! You've just crossed things off your list in your search for what brings you peace.

First, water is your best friend. 

You need to drink it and if you can, soak your body in it often. My guides explained that our crystalline structure will be like the Quartz crystal, which is neither a liquid nor a solid, Consuming water helps this trans-formative process greatly.When you are feeling anxious, depressed, or even angry, drink a glass of water. Dehydration can make us feel that way and this process of downloading and processing light codes is very dehydrating.

Bathing in water with crystals (my favorite are quartz, rose quartz and amethyst) can help soothe and clear our aura. I add a 1/2 cup of baking soda to help pull toxins from my body. If I am achy I also include Epsom salt which can supply us with a good dose of magnesium. Rose essential oil is also wonderful to add as it helps raise your vibration. Sit for 40 minutes. Water is also a good place to meditate and speak with your guides. It magnifies all psychic ability and communication. Many people have visions while resting in a tub.

Secondly, Daily Maintenance of the your energy body helps. 

My routine is approx 5 minutes and I find that it helps me a lot. I cut cords, thoughts, clear chakras, my aura and ground my energy. On particularly rough days I will do this more than once. Don't be intimated or think that you don't have the ability to do this work yourself, you can and I will detail what I say, modify it to fit your needs and style.

Here is what I do daily with visualizations and explanations to help ease this process, I will post just the words for ease at the end. :

Say: I call light to myself now    
 (visualize a tube of light coming from source above, encompassing your body and aura. Breathe in this golden light and feel it going into your body, healing you and raising your vibration)
Say: My aura is now cleared, healed and sealed in this golden tube of light
Say: I cut all cords, attachments, agreements and contracts that no longer serve me. I cut them going past, present and future, across all time lines, aspects of self including past lives.  I now release all thoughts, thought patterns, beliefs and old programming that no longer serves my highest good. I gently let go of them, going past, present, and future, across all time lines, aspects of self and past lives.  
(visualize all of these aspects as things, as dark threads coming from your body. Cut them. Visualize a golden pair of scissors if this helps. I prefer a sword of light that swiftly removes it all. A lot of old programming and beliefs are held in the jaw and teeth. I pay close attention to this area and see them being removed gently)

Many of us know the importance of cutting cords, attachments and agreements. If you are unsure of why it is important please refer to this blog post: instructions on cutting cords, attachments and agreements. However, I am finding that for myself, I was missing a vital piece of clearing. I wasn't working on clearing my thoughts, beliefs, and old programming that no longer serves me. All things are energy and even if we don't realize it we create things with our thoughts. They can cling to us and keep us from letting go and moving forward on this ascension journey.

Say: I align all my chakras all the way from the Galactic core all the way down to the Core crystal of the earth. I ask that all my chakras spin together in the correct direction. I ask that all my chakras open fully and release all they are holding that needs releasing. I ask that all my cells and DNA gently lets go of all that is no longer in my highest good.

(I see this as a black mist leaving my chakras, and coming from my pours and turning into sparkles of light. The amount that comes out and from where depends on the day and what is being cleared.)
Say: I send a cord of light from my open heart chakra down through all my chakras to the core crystal of the earth. I ground myself into the Core crystal of the earth. 

(The core crystal of the earth is now a rose quartz, this happened when we were connected back to the galactic and were taken out of quarantine. See your heart cord connecting with her, your cord sinking into her, feel the connection and the love she sends to you.)

At this point I just sit in silence until I feel it's time to stop. Feel free to add or take away anything that works for you and your process.

When I am struggling during the day with a particularly strong clearing/downloading process I will do the last two steps more. I find telling my body to release all that it's holding even if I can't consciously name what the block or resistance is, helps a lot.  

If you have any techniques that help you, please feel free to share them in comments.

Condensed version: 

Say: I call light to myself now    

Say: My aura is now cleared, healed and sealed in this golden tube of light

 Say: I cut all cords, attachments, agreements and contracts that no longer serve me. I cut them going past, present and future, across all time lines, aspects of self including past lives.  I now release all thoughts, thought patterns, beliefs and old programming that no longer serves my highest good. I gently let go of them, going past, present, and future, across all time lines, aspects of self including past lives.  

Say: I align all my chakras all the way from the Galactic core all the way down to the Core crystal of the earth. I ask that all my chakras spin together in the correct direction. I ask that all my chakras open fully and release all they are holding that needs releasing. I ask that all my cells and DNA gently lets go of all that is no longer in my highest good.

Say: I send a cord of light from my open heart chakra down through all my chakras to the core crystal of the earth. I ground myself into the Core crystal of the earth. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Galactic Brotherhood - You Have Entered Into A New Phase - Sanat Kumara

You have entered into a new phase of this process. Many will not be able to discern the difference, but I assure you that you will in time. The immediate difference will be on the downloads of light codes. Prior they were released in phases and many could feel when they were receiving the codes. Now, the codes are constant and you will receive them as soon as you have cleared enough space in your being for them. You will find yourself on a purging, downloading, assimilating routine. With every purge, with every aspect that you release you will find yourself changing deeply. These codes of light are designed to make your very nature crystalline. This process will take time and can only be accelerated by your willingness to release all thoughts, behaviors, and actions that keep you locked in third dimensional thinking. Many of you have done tremendous work and have left the lower dimensions as a whole, but still have lingering aspects that are residual from your lifetime spent at these levels.

These aspects will absolutely be triggered by your those around you. It is really a blessing to have these merge from the depths of your psyche to be shown in the light and released. Many of you many be shocked at your displays of temper, the courseness of your thoughts and the emotions that seem to overwhelm you in these moments. You may be asking "What is wrong with me?". I assure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You have progressed to the point in your development where all kernels of third dimensional thought patterns and programming must be removed, no matter how minute. 

For some the cleansing takes place through the body. This can be seen in digestive issues, sinus drainage, and aggravation of old wounds that have an emotional component to them. For those unaware, this can be a challenging time. For those that are aware, we ask that you release them by stating your truth. Many thoughts and old programming are based on lies and immature emotional processing. Look at the thought, examine it and see where it leads you into feeling like a victim. Then state the truth, that in every given moment we choose to act, think, and feel in a certain way.  Once the truth is stated, release the old into the light. The violet flame can be used to help  you transform those old thoughts and behaviors you believed you has left behind. 

Know that the purpose of all your purging and physical discomfort is that your DNA has indeed been switched on so that you become a crystalline being. Once the DNA is switched on, there will be no return to your original carbon nature. This change will not take place overnight though many are impatient. Your soul remembers what is happening and many may feel an impatient excitement. 

Know that all is unfolding as planned and the utmost care for your vessel is being taken at this time. You may find that your sensitivities increase and the need for purer food and drink is required. To help ease this transition your consumption of water needs to be high. 

Know and trust that all is happening in your highest good. 

Sanat Kumara

*** As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES!   Much love to you, Jenny Schiltz 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Guides Discussion on my Fear of Failure

I share this with you because I am not the only one that has failed at many things and find myself afraid to be exactly who I am. I am taking steps and have made huge strides over the last year, but underneath is this nagging fear. For me my fear of failure, makes it so I stop myself.

A guide came to me today, she was young and Korean with a beautiful light around her. She had this etheric quality. She told me that she had things to tell me, that I should pay attention and write them down. Her strong tone got my attention.

You have a fearful soul when it comes to success. Do you know why this is? You were not allowed to fail. Your attempts were laughed at and it bruised your tender soul. You shined so brightly with an innocence that most did not understand. and you were unable to laugh at yourself. You've put yourself in a box of pass/fail and forgot to enjoy the journey.
You have a choice, you can stay in that place of limited definition or you can expand and encompass all that is. You have your dreams and desires, they are large. Do you have the courage to follow them? To take them? To turn your back on your fears? I think you do. When you doubt look at how far you have come, look at the obstacles you placed in your path that you have trampled over. This fear, it is nothing. Look it in the eye and tell it that you will succeed. Change your definition of success. Don't view your life through a 3D lens. Instead view your success through your experiences. True success is learning and growing, not only in outward expression to the world. So many have large outward expressions but they are empty inside. Do not judge your success by these characteristics.
I don't know what to do.
You do, do what makes your heart happy. Create for the sake of creating. You will see it all unfold for you. You must have the courage to be all that you are, your true self in things, in the face of all scrutiny. This is your time. Can you feel it? Remove that webbing of fear from around you as this old programming is no longer who you are.
Is it a cord?
No, it is a webbing you have wrapped tightly around yourself. (I look down and see myself covered in a spiders web, she pushes it away from my face, and mostly off my head). You would get a glimpse out, your heart would soar and then an obstacle would appear and you retreated behind the webbing. Take it off child, take it off.
How do I do that?
By stepping into who you are. By accepting that you hold great light and the world criticizes what it can't understand. That it is not a reflection on you, but on them. Release it and let it go. Don't allow layers to be added to the webbing, instead through each bold move, each act of determination, each act of being exactly who you are, let the layers weaken and fall to your feet.
You are beautiful, let the world see it. It needs souls with open hearts full of love. Go, be wonderful, we need you.

With that, she was gone. I now understand and will choose to release myself from the webbing I created to protect my soul.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Galactic Brotherhood - 12/12 Choice Portal, Quan Yin 12/9/14

I would like to talk to you today about the 12/12 portal. We are calling this the portal of choice. At this time you have a choice to remain within the duality of your planet or to step from the traditional beliefs into oneness. For those that are ready, this portal will see big changes in your thinking and in how you react to the world around you. When you have made these changes within you will see them mirrored in those around you.

We understand that to remove yourself from duality is a difficult step. It is to turn your back on everything you have known and been taught. You will no longer see the differences in yourself in comparison to others as highlighted by your reigning religions and governments. Instead, you will be able to see parts of yourself in every person you encounter. You will also begin to see the true source of all beings, their soul. When you are able to see this, you will find it difficult to condemn and highlight differences among people. By stepping out of duality you will begin to see the absolute beauty of life on earth. You will see it for what it is, a great place for learning and experiencing ALL THAT IS.  You will see the beauty in the lessons people have chosen and the roles they have experienced. By being able to see the soul source of all beings, you will see that darkness is just a role within the matrix, a chosen experience. Just as the light is a chosen experience within the matrix as well. You will be able to return to your true nature which is one of neutrality and love. 

Once you choose to leave duality behind you will be able to allow others to experience their life as they have chosen without feeling the need to change them. You will see all as it is, perfect. Each thing, each event, each action is perfectly designed for the soul to get the knowledge and lesson that was agreed upon before your sojourn to earth. When you see the perfectness in all of creation, you will serve as a guide to others. You will be the beacon that they seek, as your energy is one of peaceful neutrality. Many will seek the comfort of a non-Judgemental guide. You will be able to show an alternative way of being, but understand and have compassion for those not ready to follow the path before them. 

Understand that being neutral does not mean that you lack compassion. In fact, your compassion will only increase, you will feel love and understanding for both the victim and the perpetrator. You will understand and be able to see the beauty and lessons in both roles. You will innately understand the contracts that both are fulfilling so that their soul growth is accomplished. 

Should you choose to leave duality behind during the 12-12 portal, you will be tested. You could be tested through personal lessons and by the world at large. We ask that you always remember that all are divine beings of light at their core. By remembering that earth is a place where souls have come to experience duality and learn their chosen lessons, it will be easier to remain neutral. 

We are very pleased at the number of souls that are preparing to leave duality. It is a testimate to the amount of work people have done within themselves.

That is all for now, 
Quan Yin

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Galactic White Brotherhood - The Illusion of duality and the Hologram of Earth - Sananda - 12-2-14

I want to clear up some confusion about your existence on earth, the hologram you've created and the illusion. The true illusion on earth that exists is duality and separation. You are not separate from one another nor are you separate from source.

Each of you chose to come to earth, some of you have made this choice for countless lifetimes while others have had only one. Upon deciding to come to earth, a plan is made and a hologram of your world is created. It is within this hologram that your lessons and experiences are created.  Within each hologram are parts that have been co-created and there is also a part of the collective consciousnesses of the whole. Upon entering the hologram you consent to being a part of the duality experiment. Your task has been to see through this illusion of duality and reunite with your true self.

Many call the hologram of your existence on earth an illusion, and in one way it is, however until you choose to leave earth you will be part of this hologram. For those that have been able to see through the illusion of separation, life does become less stressful. It is not that life will drastically change, it is your reaction that will have changed. It is in your peaceful knowing that all that happens is always in your highest good. Seeing through duality will not change the lessons you came to learn but it will change the world around you. You will understand that all are learning their chosen lessons. You will see that the extremes being played out are not a grand battle of good vs evil, but duality coming to an end. With the gap between perceived good and evil so wide, many will find that the peaceful path is the one of observation and non-judgement. It is understanding that you have the capacity to be all aspects of humanity from the darkest to the lightest. With that knowledge, it is hard to judge another for the lessons they came to learn.

As more and more people are becoming in-tune with their higher guidance and intuition, the tendency to look down upon those in duality needs to be avoided. Each person has their own lessons to learn, and the degree of difficulty varies per person. Some are participating in duality as their purpose is to play the part of extremes to help others see the distortion. Once you have fully stepped from the illusion of duality, give gratitude for those still participating. It is their contribution that has helped you and others see that it is non-judgement and observation that brings peace.

While the hologram of your existence on earth could also be considered and illusion, we ask that you not see it in those terms. You are participating in a learning experiment to advance soul growth. Your personal hologram was created to be very real and to help you achieve your desired goals. Upon dissolving the illusion of separation from source, you will still be in the hologram of your creation until you choose to step out of it. To look at your life and call it an illusion is to negate the incredible work you have done. It has been explained that life is like a play that one creates then participates in. Figuring out that you are in fact the author of your play and resuming the deep connection with your soul should not make you look upon life as an illusion but a masterpiece that you have created. It is to be applauded and looked upon with gratitude for the growth it has provided you. For those not ready to understand the significance of the hologram they have created, to be told their life is an illusion is harmful. It is better to empower others to resuming their place as the authors of their play. To help them to see through the illusion of duality and victim hood and to understand that they are souls mastering their life.

Go in love for one another.

*As with all channelings, use discernment. What does your heart say when you read this? If it does not resonate, just discard it. We each have our own truth.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Galactic White Brotherhood - You are the pioneers - Quan Yin 11/18/14

I come to you today to ask you, why are you so hard on yourselves? We see your daily struggles with the energy that is coming in at this time. This energy is relentless and is helping to strip you of all that no longer serves. This is a painful process, as all you have believed and known is being stripped from you. It is a time of much confusion, physical pains, and often despair. Anything that needs to be released will be triggered so that you can view what needs to be released. During this time, letting go of these aspects must be a conscious act. You must choose day to day, moment to moment to think and do differently than you have ever done before. This is no easy feat and we are amazed at your progress. We are also dumbfounded at the number of you that make this process much more difficult by berating yourselves.

Many think they are moving too slow or that when they experience the pain of release that they have done something wrong. You look to excuses as to why you feel poorly. You ask yourself, have you done something wrong or not done enough light body work or even if your struggling is some karmic debt or past life issue. Stop. Understand that at its basic nature this process is difficult, even painful. You have done nothing wrong, but everything right to be involved in this process at this phase. You are the forerunners, the ones that are creating pathways for other souls to follow.

Think on the explorers and pioneers going into uncharted territory. They had no idea what they would encounter on a daily basis and often failed or floundered as much as they succeeded. These pioneers expected to encounter strange lands, animals, people's and unknown hazards. You are much like these adventurers, for you are blazing into unknown territory. You are turning the human body into a crystalline structure, activating parts of your brain that have been dormant and becoming multidimensional. You are going into unknown territory. Instead of cursing the new pains, challenges and changes, understand that it means you have entered a new territory, a new frontier.

You will use trial and error and find what works best for you. Your task is large, for you must not only go through the physical changes, you must go through the mental pain of letting go. Releasing old beliefs and programming is done in layers. What you consider taking a step backwards and having to heal the same issue again, we see as progress. You have heard this healing process be compared to an onion, it is a good analogy. With each layer the issues you must heal are brought to the surface again. The closer you get to the core, the more intensified the aspects needing healed. The layers are smaller and you don't feel that there is much of a break between issues coming forward for releasing. Do you see now how the further you come, the more pain you may experience? We urge you to understand that this means you are making significant progress and are not far from your core, your true self, not hindered by programming, beliefs, and fears. This process has not been completed in the physical form before. You are indeed pioneers.

We ask that you please treat yourselves with love and respect. Respect for the amazing task you have agreed to and are completing at an incredible pace. Have compassion for yourself and do not fear that you are doing something wrong. Each of you will find your own way, your own path, as each of you are beautifully different. There is no wrong in this process.

Be at peace,
Quan Yin

Monday, November 10, 2014

Galactic white brotherhood - 11–11 portal - Quan Yin

I would like to talk to you about the 11–11 portal. This is an exciting time as many of you are seeing huge changes within yourself. Yet, others are feeling stuck and weary. This is based on your perceptions. We ask that each of you write down your insights and experiences from day to day. When you look back, even month to month you will be astounded by the changes you are making. You will see the shifts in your perception and it will give you an opportunity to see what is working in your life and what is not. What things bring you joy and what things need to be let go of.

These portals are opportunities for you to propel yourself forward if you are ready to surrender the need to control. True surrendering is accepting what is by changing your definitions of things and aspects of your life. Often you have labeled things as good or bad and limit your joy by your perceptions. 

This particular portal or gateway will begin on 11–11 and last for a few days after. Make notes of what you experience, dream, and how you are thinking and feeling. The solar flares that are coming into earth right now are magnifying areas in your life that need attention. It will magnify areas in your life that need to change and likewise you will find that the things that bring you joy are magnified as well. These are your guideposts pointing you in the correct direction. Solar flares can be physically uncomfortable for the body. Many experience headaches, body aches, changes in sleep patterns, and anxiety. For those who are particularly sensitive you will sense certain chakras being opened, cleared and expanded. This two to be uncomfortable. We ask that you go into a place of gratitude because these feelings mean the changes are happening within. It is important to release as much as you can during this time. What is completely released will not follow you into the portal. 

It is a time for new beginnings as many of you are merging from your cocoon and are ready to be the beacon of light that you have become. Shine that light with love for all of the world to see and follow. Embrace your joy and allow source energy to work through you. Many are just awakening and will need assistance but more importantly hope. Hope that you can give them that the journey has been worth it, even with all the difficulty and changes each of you have experienced. They will need the gentle reassurance that this too shall pass. 

For many this gateway will see you exploring your place in the multi-verse. Through connection with your highest self, you will begin to remember who you are and why you chose to assist the earth and mankind during this incredible time. You will be receiving upgrades to your Lightbody and chakra system. These upgrades will allow you to move one step further in releasing old programming that keeps you from remembering your divine nature. Again, we ask that you chart your progress. This will help you release lingering doubts and beliefs which is essential for becoming your I AM presence.

We ask but your approach this portal and the upcoming one with excitement and anticipation for the growth you are experiencing. Many of you are impatient, wanting more and at a faster pace. We understand but ask that you view all of your growth as a whole, you will then be amazed at how much you have released and let go of in such a short time. We are thrilled with your accomplishments and are in awe of all that has been completed.

Go in joy,
Quan Yin

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Galactic White Brotherhood - Life Purpose - Quan Yin 11-5-14

I want to talk to you today about your life purpose. It's the main question that many of you have. The answer is simple, Be Joy. Find the things in life that bring you joy and follow them. In every moment do your best to find your center and radiate joy from your being. All of you have this task as your basic purpose, how you obtain and keep this emotion is as individual as water droplets in the sea.

While this purpose is simple, obtaining and being joy is anything but simple. Many of you have charted difficult lives and circumstances. It has therefore become your first challenge to maintain the frequency of joy in the midst of chaos. Many of you are thinking, how can I feel joy, happiness when my body is stressed with the task of ascending. The is change your perspective. How do you view your surroundings? How do you visualize joy looking? Do you believe that you must be joyous in every moment in order to be successful? We ask that you stop placing such limitations on yourself. When you feel joyous, light, and happy make a note of what you are doing. Soon you will see a pattern. If in the beginning you feel joy only 10% of the time, don't worry, instead be grateful for those moments and work on obtaining 11% joy the next day.

Many of you have even placed limitations on what you allow to bring you joy. In your quest of self-realization, some of you have become too serious and have lost your zest for life. While spirituality and finding self is a noble cause is should not make you lose perspective of who you are. You are first and foremost a being experiencing physical reality. Find what brings you joy, excitement and passion without the filter of judgement. Too think that something is not spiritual and therefore beneath you is a function of ego. Your job is to find your joy and interject your light into that area. Many of you have shunned politics by saying it is corrupt and not spiritual, if it was once your passion your new-found sense of self should not change that rather enhance it so that you bring love into politics. This is how we create the new world. Through your connection to source all around you will be impacted positively. You do not fight the dark but rather change it by shining your light and following your passion.

There are many that feel that in order to be spiritual you must forgo the frivolous. I assure you, nothing is frivolous. If it brings you happiness, then you are filled with light that spreads to all those around. It doesn't matter if you are playing sports, playing in a sandbox, or having dinner with friends. Examine your beliefs, what are the things you told yourself are fine to do verses what you have deemed improper or beneath you while on this path. Where did those beliefs come from? Listen to your inner self, you will know when you are not in the flow of joy.  When this occurs examine your beliefs and return to center.

Often to feel joy a change of perspective is needed. There will always be tasks that are mundane and that you would rather not do. It is your choice to complete them with positivity or to view the entire experience from a negative point of view. When you slip into the negative, find a way to change your thinking in order to return to center and experience the flow of joy. Your light is very valuable, what brings you joy increases your light.

This is all for now,
Quan Yin

Monday, November 3, 2014

What I learned from my body

You can't tell it that it's fat, ugly, or that you hate it and expected not to retaliate. You have to listen to your body, not suppress warning signs and expect all to be fine.

My first major lesson was in 2010. I was having chronic back pain that I blamed on a spinal fusion and severe headaches that I blamed on a stressful job. I was exhausted and at the end of my rope feeling extremely stressed. I blamed it on trying to raise three kids, my job, and a chronic pain condition. Who wouldn't feel like crap with all that going on.

It all changed the day I took one of the kids to our family doctor and he noticed that something was very wrong. He did a basic neurological exam and called the neurosurgeon he like best and got me an appointment for the next day. I went to the appointment and they did a CT scan and saw right away but I was in major trouble. They didn't understand how I was still walking. The bone graft from my spinal fusion has slipped and tore into my cerebral fluid column. I had a significant leak and the fluid was pooling at the base of my spine. That explains the severe headaches, back pain and the anxiety I was feeling. My body was screaming "Pay attention to me!" They said that if the bone graft had moved further I would've been paralyzed. I was in surgery within days and spent almost a month in a nursing home. The nerve damage was significant and I live with chronic nerve pain in varying degrees since then. You would think that I would form a great relationship with my body at this point. I did start to listen to the body's signs and have done my best to live a healthy life. 

Today, I got another wake up call. I have been experiencing hair loss, scalp tenderness, and sores. I went to the dermatologist who did a biopsy. This morning I went into the office for the results. It was a slap in the face to hear that I have an autoimmune dis-ease that leads to scarring of the skin where hair will not grow again. She said is in the very beginning phases and she thinks we can get the inflammation and pain under control. I was dumbstruck. Haven't I've been eating right, walking, losing weight, paying attention to the body? How did this happen?

Then it hit me, autoimmune disease is our essentially the body attacking itself. My body is attacking itself in a very noticeable way, through hair loss that could lead to baldness. My body was only doing what it had been told to do by me all these years. It was hating itself, destroying itself. How many times have I said "I hate my body", "I hate my hair", "I look ugly", "I'm fat". How many times have I verbally attacked myself for my looks? Is it that strange to think that the body decided to answer that call? It decided to do exactly what I've been saying. It was giving me a body to hate, hair to lose, and more reason to feel ugly. Make no mistake, the universe is always listening and responding and mirroring our thoughts.

I have to take a step back and really look at where these feelings of self hate started. Did it start when I gained so much weight with children? No, I think that was just a symptom. I think like most deep hurts, it started in my childhood. Maybe it was the feeling that only if I was thin and pretty what I be worthy of love. Maybe it was hearing my dad call my mom ugly during fights and she in turn would say similar things to yourself. Is this the legacy I too have left for my girls?
Has hearing me say that I hate myself set them up for a life of self depreciation? It's possible. All I can do now is heal that inner child, that beautiful girl with the big brown eyes who absorbed too much of others pain and then unleashed the fury on herself. All I can do now is set a new example for my children, one of self-love. 

For the past few years I have worked hard on loving myself and not accepting other peoples junk. I am no longer a doormat standing with open arms begging for love from others only to be used and hurt. I learned balance. I learned what I could give to others without losing self. I had finally found my voice. However, I didn't take that last step of self-love to the really important part, which is self acceptance. I needed to except myself for my flaws and still see beauty when I looked in the mirror. I needed to take that final step and silence those tapes running in my head and stop the negative self talk that has plagued me my whole life.

I know what the body will do when it feels unloved, unappreciated, now it's time to see how it will react to love, pure unconditional love and gratitude. Gratitude for all it has done to get me through a bad kidney in childhood, three hard pregnancies, three spinal surgeries and chronic pain. It has shouldered a great burden and it is now screaming "Enough! Love me, Accept me! Stop being so mean to me. I give you my All, just love me in return."

Thank you body,  I got the lesson. I am so very sorry for all the mean and hateful things I have said. I would never treat another person that way. When did it become okay to do it to you?

Healing is so hard, it comes in layers and I'm so grateful for the messages that are loud and clear.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Galactic white brotherhood - Truth & Discernment 10-27-2014, Quan Yin

Today I want to talk to you about discernment and truth. We have asked many times that you all trust yourselves and not blindly follow what another is saying. In your world so many distortions are playing out, some are obvious and easily dismissed yet others are subtle and contain pieces of information that resonate. These pieces often lead you to accept all that you receive from that person or source. We ask that you question everything, each piece that crosses your path. You were all given intuition, it is time to reawaken that sense and feel your truth. How does your body feel when you are faced with something you firmly believe to be false? How does it feel when you are faced with something that just seems off, if ever so slightly? These are your clues. When you resonate deeply with something, your entire body sings with a knowing YES! If you don't feel this, question, question, question. Through the act of questioning you are fine-tuning your intuition and telling the universe that you are grateful for the ability. This will lead it to get much stronger.

When you come across something that does not resonate, resist the temptation to see evil or misdeeds. There is not only one truth, nor only one version of reality. You all create your own reality and choose what experiences you would like to go through. At that moment what someone reported on is indeed their truth. You will not be able to convince someone that their truth is wrong anymore then someone can convince you that your truth is wrong. Understand that even if you have had similar beliefs in the past that changed with your awakening, theirs too will change with them as they grow. To be confrontational and say that your beliefs or newfound knowledge is correct could cause the person to defend their beliefs and hold onto them more tightly. You must allow that person the freedom and respect to grow and learn as you have grown and learned. If it does not match your truth, pass it by and understand that their truth is accurate for them and their desired experience. 

Your world is playing out extremes right now, it allows for the disparity between the sides to be seen. This leads to many new people questioning their reality. This is often the first step of awakening. Don't allow yourself to be caught in the distraction and the fear. When you fear what you are reading or hearing from your media and other sources you are bringing it into your reality. It can then become a lesson as it brings to light the aspect with in self that allowed you to accept fear into your life. This is why we ask you to use discernment and question. That what you blindly accept or feed into becomes part of your reality.

We also want to take a moment to address the information surrounding Ascension. We understand that many of you believe that you would leave Earth and indeed that is correct in a sense. You will or have left the third, fourth, and even higher dimensions depending on your purpose. However, it does not mean you are physically leaving earth. Some of you will be given the option to leave by leaving the physical body, but the majority of you will decide to stay to help create a new world. You are the creator of your reality, your creations move with you as you increase your vibration and move dimensions. Indeed, many of you have already left the third dimension and have yet to realize it because all around you looks the same. 

We are aware that many have blocked their progress due to fear that they will ascend and leave their love ones. This is where we ask you, why would a loving God cause you this pain? You are not going to leave your family unless you have specifically chosen to in your life path. When you ascend, higher aspects of your love ones will you join you as long as you have contracted with them to do so. Remember, if it causes you fear, pain or grief it is not of God.

On the other spectrum are those begging to leave Earth and its heaviness. We understand, but ask you to connect with your highest source to understand why you are on earth, in any dimension at this pivotal time. You were chosen to be part of humanity returning to source. You are here to assist with the dismantling of the illusion. This is not an easy task and you were specifically chosen for your role. Connecting to your highest source will help you to feel the passion that lead you to accept this mission. We have said it before, you are the ones you've been waiting for. It is you who will help bring love in all forms to the earth. It is you who will help construct the new earth. This may seem overwhelming, but understand that no action is too small. For example, teaching children that all life matters and is connected versus allowing them to squash bugs will help create this new paradigm. Follow your heart, it will not lead you astray. You are blessed and loved beyond measure. Trust yourself and know that if it creates fear it is not of God. Let your truth be one that resonates with love.

Until next time,
Quan Yin

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Quan Yin on Manifestation - Galactic White Brotherhood 10-23-14

I want to talk to you today about manifestation. So many do you not understand the fundamentals and get frustrated and disillusioned when they don't receive the results they want. Let me be clear, the two most important features to manifestation are letting go and allowing.

Too often parameters are put on the universe that stunt the process. For instance, you desire a house with more room for your expanding family, ask for that, let go of the process of how and allow the universe to do it's job. However, if you ask the universe for a bigger house with blue shutters you have made the process much harder and longer than it should be. Manifestation is stating your basic desire and trusting completely that the universal will always act in your highest good.

The concept of highest good may not be exactly what you desire, but rather an experience that will provide a lesson for your soul growth. So often people manifest things that we do not want because of focus on the opposite. You want more money and you send this desire out to the universe. Yet, your thoughts are dominated by stress and worry that you don't have enough. Again, the highest good will be done and you will experience lack so that you learn  to trust and allow in order to make your manifestations come.

Manifestations cannot be about control either. You want love in your life, ask for it and allow the universe to bring it to you in whatever form. If instead you say that you want love with a particular person, but it's not in that person's highest good, the manifestation will not take place. What is best for the soul growth of all will always take place, even if it does not outwardly appear to be the case.

We ask that you work on aligning with your highest source. When you merge with the absolute highest aspect of self you are better able to see the things in your life that are in your greatest good. You will also be better able to understand the lessons and move through them quickly. You may find that your desires change once you are merged with your highest aspect to include the good of all. We also ask that you practice gratitude for all the things in your life. It is okay to acknowledge the aspects that you don't want in your reality, but don't dwell on them. However, be grateful for what you don't want as the lessons served you're so growth. Focus on the things that make you happy, bring you peace and joy. It is in these things that your highest self is found. Being grateful for the things, people, and places that evoke these emotions help you to align your entire being on that path.

We hope that this makes it clearer for you. You must let go and allow the universe to do it's job without interference of parameters or feeling the need to control. Trust that your highest good is always being done. If what you desire is not brought to you, what lesson did you need to learn? In these lessons you will learn what is holding you back from manifesting and you will be able to heal it and move forward. Remember, it is your highest aspect that chose the lessons and challenges that you will encounter for the growth of your soul. Aligning with the highest source allows you to understand them and learn so that you may master the lessons.

Until next time,
Quan Yin

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood - Quan Yin 10-8-14

Today I want to talk to you about gratitude. So many of you are struggling with the heaviness of the world that you live in. Even when you reach the 5th Dimension, in fact some of you already have, the heaviness does not leave entirely. Your soul comes from a higher dimensional plane where love, communication and actions are geared to the highest good of all. This is in stark contrast to the world that you agreed to incarnate into and help ascend.

You long for a constant connection with source, to feel God's love and grace because your hearts instinctively know that's where you came from. So you try many ways to connect, some leave you feeling whole and others remind you of what you perceive to have lost. I'm here to tell you that the quickest way to connect to source, to God's love is through gratitude. This concept is easy to grasp, but can be hard to put into practice when you feel that your body and mind are stressed with ascension symptoms and the task of purging and integrating your ego and shadow self.  However, it is one that if you master you will find your symptoms lessening and the universe responding to you more than ever.

You know that manifestation is possible and in the higher realms it is easier and faster. Yet, many still struggle and create more of what they don't want than what they do. This is because your focus is on your problems or the things that you don't like. Many of you try to manifest more money and then block the thoughts with anxiety that you don't have enough. Instead focus on gratitude for what you have. The universe understands and responds to gratitude by giving you more of what you are grateful for. When you turn on the light switch, tell the universe "thank you for the money to pay my light bill." This lets the universe know that you want more money so that you can have more light.

 If you are grateful for every step you take, for every person, place or experience you have imagine the message you are sending. You are telling the universe, more please. When you experience deep, heart felt gratitude you align with source energy and this is a blissful experience. The more gratitude you feel, the more you align to the universe and the more it will open to you. Allowing you to create and manifest more.

Until next time,
Quan Yin.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood, Quan Yin 10-2-14

Greetings! I come to you today to speak of the upcoming planet alignments and full moon. All will be affected by these energies. How much someone is affected depends on where they are in their clearing process. At no time will a body become overloaded with downloads as safety of the vessel is always considered. Though many of you may feel that you can't possibly go through one more coding.

The energies of late have served some of you very well. It has caused you to take a good look at your life, what is working, what is not. Many of you are making radical changes and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Some of you have been busy healing your core, challenging your beliefs and fears. This is not an easy process and those brave enough to push forward are applauded. Understand that these planet alignments are gateways that help you through this process. You can access any of these portals at anytime once they are opened. You determine the speed and direction of your growth. The more effort you put into clearing that which no longer serves, the further you will be in this process and the more growth you will achieve during planet alignments. If you are not ready at this time to receive the full benefit, don't worry, the minute you are energetically and physically ready those same codes will be made available to you.

This process is very much like upgrading a computer. When an existing program is updated, first the program must be downloaded, then processed before it can be used. In some cases the upgrade to software requires an upgrade to the hardware (your body). This is even more true if you download a completely new program or blueprint. Many of you are in the process or have recently updated your life blueprint. You have made changes according to how you want your life to be. You are in absolute control of this process through your higher self. Once a blueprint has been agreed upon it then has to be downloaded to the body file by file. This is an intense process as old files need to be rewritten and purged. We ask that you relax through this process and when past events or traumas come to your mind, that you gently release them. There is no need to rehash or over think what occurred in the past as it no longer defines who you are unless you let it. Physically during this process you may experience exhaustion, body aches, chills, and hot flashes. Intense dreams may happen and you may get the opportunity to view alternative timelines that aspects of self have been experiencing. You can acknowledge these occurrences and watch them pass, as you have already learned from them.

Some of you are going through the process of releasing fears that have no basis in truth. Often these fears stem from beliefs created in childhood or through interpretation of events in your life. Your task is to look at each fear for what it is, determine what caused the fear or belief and what the truth is as you know it now. You must rewrite these fears. This ensures that the foundation of your new blueprint is grounded in truth and not fear and misaligned beliefs.  In order to become your highest self, you must be in alignment with truth and not illusion. This is a painful, arduous task, but one with great rewards.We ask that you take the time to examine these fears and beliefs. These deep seated things influence how you approach and perceive the world. In order to see through the illusion you must not be part of it. Fears and misaligned beliefs are one of the final layers you must conquer on your journey. Take all the time you need to do this task to ensure that all not aligned with your highest self is rewritten in truth.

Warm regards,
Quan Yin.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Message from Quan Yin, Galactic White Brotherhood. 9-22-14

I would like to clear up some confusion. So many are feeling disenfranchised, duped and it's left them feeling vulnerable. There is much disinformation on your planet in regards to timings and our role in helping the planet and her people ascend.

Let me make this very clear, we are not here to remove you from earth to a Utopia nor are we coming into clean up the mess that has been made of your earth. Will we assist you? Absolutely. We can offer technologies that will help heal the planet. These will be offered through people. They will be given access to ideas and technologies that will then be created and utilized on your earth. Many of you have had visions of the new earth, the possibilities. However it is your job to create this world, it will not be handed to you. We understand that for many of you this is hard to hear. You see the negativity and damage around you and it is hard to fathom that it can and will get better. Know that you have been chosen because you possess the abilities to make the changes needed on your earth. It is imperative that you remove your energy and focus from the old paradigm that is not working. Instead, Focus on creating a new, different way, one that resonates with your soul and the Source, love. When you focus on the old, give it attention, you are giving it energy to continue its existence. Instead of being angry over the things that are not right in your world, find a way to change it or give your support to those that are changing it.

With so much disinformation being published it is imperative that you use discernment. If what you are hearing or reading causes you fear, it is just another layer of the illusion. If it causes fear it is not of God. Also be wary of messages that offer a magic pill to fix all that is wrong with the world and in your lives. You dear are the magic pill, it is not outside of you. Once you understand that all of this is within you, real change will happen. Are we able to help and guide you? Of course. We will give you guidance on how to become your highest self, a master walking on earth, changing it with every step.

There has been much talk of the Christ consciousness returning to Earth. It is now available to all who are ready to open their hearts. It is unconditional love for self and others and seeing how all things are perfect in their own way and time. Which is why the date for the event or disclosure will not be given. There is a delicate balance and Precision of all things. When all the factors are in place, the event and disclosure will take place. Before that time it would induce much fear and chaos, resulting in people losing faith.

People want the event or disclosure to take place to validate what they are thinking, feeling and experiencing. Know within yourself that your experiences are real and have patience. Trust that all is happening at the perfect time.

That is all for now. Quan Yin

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Message from Quan Yin of the Galactic White Brotherhood, 9-17-14

We are entering exciting times. The energies are intense and they will not let up. Each download being made available to you is bringing about great change. With all change comes uncertainty and fear. You can choose to embrace these emotions or look up on all the changes as a must needed things of beauty.  It is important during these times that you stay grounded and ask your body to transmute the energies easily. Your body is confused by the changes and programming and reacts by sending stress signals. Being gentle with yourself and talking to your body will go a long way during these times.

We ask that you disconnect, literally from all sources of negativity and fear. As your body becomes more crystalline, being around negative emotions will be toxic and make it impossible for the transition to be smooth. We ask that you create a space of peace where you can retreat to. For some this disconnection from negativity and toxic emotions will lead you to make changes within your relationships. Unconditional love seems to be misunderstood on your planet. Unconditional love does not mean that you allow someone to harm your sense of self nor to destroy your feelings of peace. Unconditional love is the innate understanding that each person is still learning and that there are many ways to experience and learn from life. If how someone chooses to experience and view life is different than you, letting them go without judgment upon self or onto them is the definition of unconditional love. Sacrificing your joy, your happiness and peace in the attempts to change another or to keep them as an active part of your life is not showing unconditional love.  The first person you must love completely is yourself. Allowing another to disturb your light, your vibration, is not being loving to yourself and will stunt your growth. 

When removing negative relationships from your life, beware that you don't start to judge the person to justify your decision. Your decision needs no justification as you were honoring yourself and your spiritual quest above all. Often the most difficult relationships to dissolve are the ones with family members. You are taught your entire life to be loyal to family. While there is wisdom to loyalty, your first loyalty is to self. In many cases you have made soul agreements with your family and friends to help show you the importance of self-love. This can be done through example or by their pushing you to your limits and boundaries. 

We ask that you take a look at your current situation and ask where you are not loving yourself unconditionally. Many of you have no problem loving others even to your own detriment, but are unable to love yourself as deeply and completely. In response, your higher self will keep sending situations where you are pushed to make hard decisions, choosing self over all others, or to continue being caught in the cycle. This aspect needs to be healed in order to completely merge with the higher aspect of your being.  The downloads that are coming in daily are also squeezing you, putting pressure on areas of your life that no longer suit your highest good. Take note of your emotions and feelings. What is happening in your relationships? How do these make you feel? These are clues, showing you what needs changing or dissolved in your life so that your highest good and highest joy are in alignment. Be sure that you are loving yourself unconditionally. 

Until next time, Quan Yin

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood, Quan Yin. 9-3-2014

Greetings! I come to you with so much love and appreciation in my heart. We know that many of you have not had an easy time during this transition. I sit in all of the brave souls who signed up to incarnate on earth during this time. Many portals have opened up recently that allow for true multidimensional travel. Species that have been unable to assist in this process due to the lower vibrational levels are now able to come in. Your body is also opening up, the chakras expanding. These are the keys to being able to see and hear multidimensionally. It really is an exciting time. However, this process is not easy on the body. Many are feeling pain and pressure in their chakras, heart palpitations, and a pervasive anxiety. This is a hard process for those who know of the changes taking place, imagine how it is for those not quite awakened.

We ask that when you feel these feelings that you take a moment, be still and ask that all your chakras, cells, and DNA align with LOVE. That your entire being aligns to LOVE frequency. See love as a color, coming down and changing your body, helping ease into this transition. Being aligned completely to love is your natural state. This is where you are headed and getting your body used to that feeling will help you to remember.

Some of you are headed to or have arrived physically in the fifth dimension. You may notice subtle changes in your environment, challenges lessoning and a clear connection to source energy. The journey is not over when you arrive at the vibrational level of the fifth dimension, it has actually just intensified. It is in the fifth dimension that your physical structure becomes crystalline in nature. It is here where you will learn how to travel dimensions, manifest your needs, and take on your life purpose. It is here that the work begins to create the world into the Utopia your heart desires. It is here that work will be done to heal Gaia and her people. While assistance is offered, the work will have to be done to create the world you desire. The trial and error of this process will deepen soul growth.

Know that the souls who have chosen to be the first on this vibrational level are not there by accident. They are the ones that have the strength, character, and experience to make true change. We understand that many of you who are being pushed and pulled by the energies can't possibly see how you can help create the world you desire. You will in time. Every day there will be more revelations and more remembering. Do your best to stay connected to source, bring love into your entire being and hold it for as long as possible. Know that the physical maladies you are experiencing will pass and the reward will be great.

We applaud your bravery and the amount that has been accomplished thus far. The process has sped up and gained momentum. There is no stopping the flow of energy's now. They will continue and all will be affected to some degree. It is important to have balance and stay out of negativity. Know that many events are being played out in the extreme to shine a light on the things that need to change. In personal lives many are feeling great change as karmic ties are being healed and released. For those unable to change and heal at this time, the lessons will continue in such an extreme that a different way, a different path will seem like the only option.

Resist the urge to jump in and save people from their lessons. This will only delay their progress. Know that all is happening in the highest good. What may look like a tragedy is in fact something that is in the highest good of all. Remain neutral and objective; you can do this with caring, compassion and love. When you are neutral and objective you are able to see things without the attachment of the mind and ego. Know that all is happening as it should even if it's not readily apparent.

Take comfort in knowing that your current state is temporary and that incredible progress has been

With high regards,

Quan Yin of the Great White Brotherhood

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Message from the White Brotherhood 8-28-14

We come to you with a greeting of joy. So much has changed and in such a small space of time. The light codes coming in are intense and will not subside. Many are uncomfortable, physically and mentally. For some it seems they only get a small reprieve before the next round begins. When you feel the reprieve, know that your body has reached a point of equalization. It has accepted and adapted to all the light codes coming in. Celebrate these moments even though they are getting briefer and further apart. Praise your body for the work it has done. This integration is no small task. It requires you to purge the body of all this is not in your highest good and then accept light into those places, changing all of your cells. We ask that you write down your experiences, the process your body is going through and the changes within. These notes will be of great assistance for you to see that progress is indeed happening and it will be invaluable information for those just beginning the process.

Those that have been called "first wavers" are indeed guinea pigs for this process. Feedback given is used to perfect this process and make it easier for those coming along. We can not stress enough that help is available if it is asked for. Due to free will, we can not intercede until permission is given. We recommend daily grounding by sending a cord of light from your heart chakra to the core crystal of the earth. Ask that all your chakras align with the galactic core. open, and spin in the proper direction. When your chakras are open they are better able to receive light codes, penetrate more deeply. Use the violet flame multiple times a day to cleanse your aura. Also allow the violet flame to enter your body through the crown chakra. Ask that it remove all that no longer serves. These rituals will help you get through this intense time.

During this time it is important to stay in your truth. Be authentic. Anything less will find you caught in old patterns. This is a time of great releasing, not only releasing that which no longer serves but the confines of time and space that have held you. This is your moment to determine how you want your future to look. This is your time to realize your power of creation, manifesting what you need. In order to do that, you must not bind yourself in the beliefs and constructs of others.  No one's truth is more important than yours. Each of you have your own mission and what is required of you will be different for each of you. Giving someone else's experiences more credence than your own is returning to the matrix and the chains that have held you. You all are masters in your own right beginning to remember who you are.

This is Stephen, from the Great White Brotherhood.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood 8-18-14

I come with a message for humanity. What exciting times lay ahead. So many are beginning to awaken and feel the downloads that have been streaming to earth. With these downloads of light comes a clearing. There must be room within the body to accommodate this life changing energy. The only way for this to happen of for people to clear out the things that no longer serve them. Those just now starting on this path will be shown areas of their lives that need to be changed, dismantled, and discarded. This is not an easy process as you know. Much love and compassion needs to be sent to the collective as they play out the dramas in their life. Things are coming to a head personally, politically, and environmentally.

We urge you not to get caught up in the dramas, instead understand that everything is working out perfectly and contracts have been rewritten to ensure that everyone's highest good is being done. What many seem a disaster on the outside can really be the catalyst for great change on many levels. The souls agreeing to be part of this drama unfolding need to be thanked for their contribution. Know that every soul is playing their part to help humanity ascend as a whole. When you look at life as good verses evil, you miss the beauty that even unfortunate events can bring. Understand that nothing is happening to anyone that has not already been agreed upon.

Many sensitives are feeling negativity around them. It makes them agitated, cranky, and often angry. if you are feeling this, what are your thoughts? What issues seem to surface? While the feelings are negative the result is positive if you choose to learn and heal. Take a step back and see what fears, angers, resentments, shame or guilt are being brought up. These are areas within that need to be healed and cleared. This clearing must take place to ensure that the light has a place to be within. The light is illuminating the deep, dark corners of your psyche. The light does not chase the darkness away, yet loosens it so that it can be dealt with and released for transmutation. Many sensitives have been tasked with releasing not only their own things to be healed, but are also transmuting energies from the collective.

We recommend that when you feel overwhelmed by emotions, that you open your crown chakra, ask for the violet flame to fill you. Visualize it going into every area of the body, especially areas of discomfort. See the flame dissolving all negativity and dark spots within the body.
Command "With this violet flame I clear and transmute all energies that are not in my highest good. I release them to be transmuted back to love, the source of all things."
While many of you many be struggling with the energies and the effects on the body, we urge you to find mental joy. What can you focus on that beings you happiness and diverts your attentions from uncomfortable feelings? We  urge each of you to get outside in nature. The elementals are able to assimilate the incoming light easily and can help you do the same. Every being on earth at the time is working towards the goal of ascension. Ask for help. Ask the flower to share its essence to ease your body. Ask the birds to sing in tones that brings your body back into resonance. You are not alone on this journey. You are surrounded by help in all dimensions. It is up to you to ask for it and be open to receiving it.

We are proud of your accomplishments and how far humanity has come in such a short time. Be kind and considerate of others as they may just be beginning this journey and beginning to clear that which no longer serves. What may look like chaos and a worsening of the human condition is actually a playing out of timelines & possibilities. The urging to change can come in whispers or as a loud knocking for those who choose not to listen. Be grateful for the ones willing to provide the lessons and help you bring up and release all obstacles you've created within.

In closing, be gentle with yourself and others. Do your best to stay in your heart space and out of negativity and fear. This is Stephen from the White Brotherhood.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Spirits message - Life is literally what you make it.

The synchronicity is amazing. Been getting messages from guides about monitoring my thoughts and creating my own world. Then I was talking to this earthbound spirit who decided to stay "for the fabulous adventure of it". His message totally hits home.

Man is silly. They make all these excuses as to why they can't do something. They make the excuses and yet want to blame others for the very excuse they used. So many use crutches in life to hold them back : where they were born, their race, their culture, their age, their health, their finances, it goes on and on. Often a person will hold themselves back more than someone who tries to because of race, religion or their gender. 
It's as if man has put themselves in a cage. This cage dictates how they should act, how they succeed, how they feel others should treat them. We look at animals and think they don't have intelligence, yet that can't be further from the truth. Can you imagine a lion telling itself it can't catch a gazelle? No, of course not. It many not catch it's prey every time, but it will die trying. Yet humans will get rejected one time and go and wallow in self-pity, never trying again.
Life is literally what we make it. You hear of success stories, those that beat the odds, got out of poverty, survived abuse, or beat an incredible illness. The only difference between them and the ones that didn't is that they never told themselves that it was impossible. You must believe with every breath that life is amazing and that at any moment you can choose something different. Don't like your job? Change it. Don't like your partner or how you are treated? Walk away. You must believe that life is your creation. There is no such thing as predetermination. Every breath, every thought, every action is literally creating your tomorrows.
It's time to save yourself from yourself. let yourself out of the cage your mind has created. Know and believe that you have the power to change your world. No one can hold you back more than yourself. If you have people putting you in a box, a classification, a socio-economic group, my question to you is "Why are you letting them?"

With that he told me he was gone, ready to cross and take on the next great adventure. His energy was fantastic and I literally had a smile on my face while speaking with him.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Message from the Galactic White Brotherhood 8-13-14

I have come to you with a brief message. Ascension is at hand for those that choose it at this time. There are many who are choosing to wait and see the progress by the ones brave enough to jump first. Those that are part of this first group know who they are and have been working diligently to have all aspects of self ready for this transition. It is this group that has been stripped bare of all attachments to this reality.

What does this mean? For those who jump they may simply feel that something has changed. That things look different, people may react differently to them. Synchronicities will unfold, communication with guides will increase. Some may receive visits form other beings. From this place, this new location it will be much easier to say in your heart space. Downloads will still continue and you will be filled with knowledge that feels innate. It does not mean that the transition is complete, but rather just beginning. Like an astronaut, you have prepped yourself and trained for many years. You are now on the landing pad with engines running. Once you take off, jump if you will, the mission is just beginning.

Many of you, even after making the decisive jump will still have residual old programming that needs to be addressed, however it will be easier the more you anchor yourself into the new. Your bodies will change rapidly to handle the higher vibration and light. This process is not always comfortable. Think again on the the astronaut, part of the training has been to prepare them mentally and physically to handle simply getting into space. Once the rocket takes off, there is no going back, but the physical & mental test has just begun. This is where their training kicks in to get them through the incredible forces playing on their body.

You too will have to rely on what you have learned thus far. Make a list of ways to cope with the expansion, try each on until you find the right mixture. Spending time outdoors will benefit you greatly in these moments. Know that this phase will end and try to see each moment as you in a rocket heading to your destination. It's exciting, nerve-wracking, exhausting and incredible all rolled into one. Choose to see the excitement, the joy and know that it is all working perfectly. You will reach your destination. You can choose to reach it frazzled and exhausted or you can choose to arrive filled with wonder and grateful for the experience. The choice is yours.

This is a message from the White Brotherhood.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Time to create the world you want - received 8-11-14 from Gwenivere

This message is in regards to the choices people are making in their lives. Are you honoring your purpose? Are you living your joy? Humans have this belief that in order to be happy or to achieve a goal there must be sacrifice and pain. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you choose to be happy, to be joy, you attract to you your dreams and goals much faster.

Let's say that you want a sports car and know that you much save your money and work hard. One job many offer more pay, but the work is tedious and the energy at the place of employment causes you to feel miserable, out of place, even ill. The other job pays less, but the work is rewarding and your coworkers are good people. At this job you don't dread getting up in the morning. By being happy and not lost in negativity, the chance for a promotion grows. Both jobs give you the opportunity to save money and reach your goals, however one of the jobs will also aid your soul growth.

Many of you are being activated for your life purpose on earth. it is important to keep in the forefront what you want to achieve in life. Even broad generalizations help point you in a direction. Now is the time to look for clues, synchronicity and opportunities appearing. Tune into your own guidance, but also the other ways messages are given. Messages can be given through nature and other people as well. When you feel you have been given a clue, a direction, write it down so that the message is not lost. There are many beings available to help you reach your goals, but permission must be given. Just ask that all help given is in your absolute highest good for your absolute highest joy.

Now is the time to create the world you want on earth. it is now time to throw off your robe, step out of the shadows and create the world you have been shown, the one you know can exist in entirety. For each of you that has the courage to do this will be honored and supported. You are the builders of the new world. It is your ideas, your service, your love that will change everything.  Start small if you feel overwhelmed. Just know that every step you take in your pursuit to fulfill your life purpose is blazing a trail. We are helping people every step of the way.

Some expect that the new world will change overnight. This is simply not the case. When it was decided that humanity would ascend as a unit, every person was given a choice: to ascend or not to ascend. Neither is right, nor wrong but perfect for that particular soul's growth. Each soul had to make a new contract and was given the opportunity to change their life purpose, their mission.

Understand that every soul as a grand life purpose even if it does not outwardly appear so. The clerk at the store that greets the customers with an open loving heart is just as important as the soul who creates technology to clean pollution. To place value on your purpose in terms of money, exposure, or by what others think is to be trapped in the old 3D thinking. No soul is better or more valuable than another. Maybe the clerk at the store will help restore the inventors drive to help humanity and ensure that he/she does not give up on dreams and goals. For those that are confused and uncertain as to their live purpose, ask for guidance. Ask for it to come in dreams, messages, flashes of insight, or communication with the natural world. There are many ways that we attempt to give you clues and create guideposts on your path.

The question is now - If you could use your innate abilities & talents to do anything in the world, what would it be?

If you are unsure, then ask that you simply be love, be joy, and remain heart centered in all aspects of your life. Sit back and watch your life change. For at the heart of every life purpose or mission is love. Simply love. If you can hold that vibration, you have reached a major goal.

Much love, Gwenivere

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Message from the White Brotherhood - 7-20-14

There was a new being in my room when I woke this morning. I surrounded him with the violet flame and he stayed steady and true. He was very tall and thin, looked to be from Andromeda. He said that his name was Stephen, he was from the White Brotherhood and had a message to be relayed.

There is a great change upon us. Man will find themselves making choices and being faced with decisions that will choose their path for years to come. It is important for people to feel the answers rather than think them. When you apply logic only to a situation or decision, you risk only getting information from the mind/ego. This will always lead you astray and down the path of fear. When you approach a situation, decision, or a person with an open heart always asking the question "What if it was me? How would I want myself and my loved ones treated?" You will be lead down the right path.

There is much in your world that leads to fear. Your media reports only on these things to distract you from your heart, your true nature. When the egoic mind is engaged you see borders, lack, you see the enemy everywhere you turn. This is all an illusion, as we are all one and even the brother on the other side of the world is an aspect of you. We understand that this is a hard concept to fully grasp how someone you've never met in a part of the world that you've never been to is actually a part of you. Therefore, we ask you to see yourself in others in your life, your community, always asking "How would I like to be treated if it were me?"

Whether you choose to have your life dominated by heart based decisions or mind/egoic decisions will literally create divergent paths. At this moment the roads are fairly close to one another. You are able to jump from one stream of consciousness to the other rather quickly. However, as more and more are learning to react and live within their heart space the gap between the two roads widens. This means that when you fall into logical thinking devoid of heart it will be harder to get back to the stream of consciousness where the heart resides. It won't be impossible, bit it will be difficult and require intense concentration and monitoring of each thought. A very hard task in your world of distractions.

Now is the time for remaining in your heart, the longer you can stay in that place the more natural it will become. This is your goal. When you fall out of the heart space and into fear based thinking monitor the reaction within your body. How does it feel? Take note of this feeling so that you can notice when you have switched streams of consciousness. You will have times that you react with the old egoic streams of thought, don't feel discouraged as this will continue you on the wrong path. Instead treat yourself with love and compassion as well. Then ask yourself again, how would you want you are your loved ones treated in the same situation. You will easily return to a place of love.

Now is the time to for you to master these skills, to remain in your heart where source, love, all that is resides. Know that this is accomplished through observing your physical and mental reactions to events and people. The roads between the two, love and ego will separate with a great chasm. Your goal is to be aligned perfectly with your heart.

There is a belief or concern held that those who are in their heart spaces at all times will be taken advantage of or be walked on.

When you are in your heart space you can never be taken advantage of. The heart space understands that people need to experience the lessons they have created for their own soul growth. This isn't about saving others. It is about seeing the perfection in everyone and allowing them to find it within themselves.

Can you give an example?

Yes, lets take a homeless person, you can be in your heart space and show them love and compassion in numerous ways. You can share substance, clothing, or conversation. It does not mean that you must bring this person into your home and sacrifice yourself. It is in understanding that thier soul chose this experience for a purpose. To feel that you must save others or go about and beyond is to derail their soul growth. Your job is to love, not save. Do you understand?

Yes, I believe so.

Good, go in peace.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Information on the Increased Energies - received 7/17/14

This information was received from my guide Thaddius.  He came through this morning. Some of this information may only pertain to me. Keep what resonates with your soul and discard the rest.  I was feeling rough with the energies and his vibration soothed me immediately. Here is a link to the first time this being of light introduced himself Thaddius and information on the New Earth   He knew that I was filled with doubt and concern and here is his advice:

We want you to keep your own council. When you read other channelings and other's perspectives you create doubt within yourself. Do not put another perspective above your own. Group collaboration and validation can be helpful, but understand that no two of you have the same experiences. You are each unique and your goals and paths are also unique. The only true thing you have in common is the desire to ascend and return to self. The detail however are personal and relate only to that person.

We showed you the image of a raging river and you being swept away in the current. This is true for all on this path. You have a choice to fight the current, hang by the shore and to even stop your progress and tether to the side. We recommend however that you allow and let go, float towards the center.  This river is a good illustration for the intense amounts of light coming in to your planet at this time. At times the frequencies will be smooth, calming and other times it is rapids that leave you feeling unsure and unsteady. Know however that all things are unfolding as planned. Things will not slow down from this point forward. We have been given the green light to continue sending light to upgrade the human vehicle. many are receiving help in repairing aspects of the body and communication systems.

Only you can stop this progress by deliberately stopping yourself and not allowing change to take you. If you hold onto the old, it drags you down in the river and slows your progress. We recommend cutting all your cords twice daily, making it a part of your meditation or reflection practice, as these will slow you down or stop you completely. (Instructions on how to cut cords)

Each of you are in the river at different spots, different locations, with different circumstances. How can you possible compare?  While one may be on a bend unable to see the next part of the river and this can cause doubt and fear, another is in a long, smooth open stretch. Neither is right nor wrong, but perfect for that soul and their journey.

When I viewed myself from above in the current of the river I saw that it was long, twisty, and the sides had deep canyons. Is this accurate?

Yes, this is not a sprint, but a marathon. It is a process that will take time. the more the body is allowed to adjust the faster it goes. The further down the river, the deeper the sides. You will then have a harder time stopping yourself and will be caught up in the current. How easy this is on your body is up to you. If you fight every change and constantly label your physical feelings as wrong, this will be harder. Instead, come from a place of understanding that this is necessary and thought he process can be uncomfortable at times, it will pass. The less you resist the faster it passes.

Many are feeling anxiety and unease. This is two-fold. The first part is that your body is panicked by the changes in light. It doesn't understand and sends stress signals that can manifest as heart palpitations, chest tightness, nausea, and a feeling that all is not well. Talk to your body, tell it that it is fine. You took this advice the other day and after repeatedly telling the body that it was fine, the symptoms eased. Talk to the body as many times as needed for it to understand.  (I literally chanted for 10 minutes "Body you are fine, stop sending distress signals" for 10 minutes and the tightness around my throat that felt like a dog collar eased up).

The second reason for the anxiety is that you all are stepping into the unknown. the mind/ego (he was very clear that they are the same, not separate) are not wanting to lose control and are trying to hold you in place. It uses fear, doubt, and uncertainty to get you to return to thinking with the mind/ego and not with your heart. Thank the mind/ego for its part in your life and tell it not to be afraid. You will never completely lose your mind/ego, instead it is a taming of it, making it a part of your team. Ignoring your thoughts only helps for a short time. Instead, talk to it as you would a child, with love and compassion. Tell your mind/ego that the heart is in charge now and there is nothing to fear.

When I was viewing from above. I saw that after a very long way it empties into the sea. Is this accurate?

Yes, eventually when your body can hold all the light, you will reach the calm sea. This will feel like bliss to no longer be integrating light codes. We've been told to expect that when you hit this spot that anxiety could come up and be overwhelming. Some of you will be so use to the turbulence in the river that you won't understand why it has stopped. This could lead to doubting, confusion and wondering if you have done something wrong. Instead know that this is your destination. That you want to be pulled into the sea for then you will truly be light and create light.

I woke with this saying on my mind:

I am an open channel of light
Light flows through me
easily, constantly, effortlessly

The light dissolves all blocks within me. 
I am integrating with the light,
the true essence of my being.
I am an open channel of light

Do you think this will help ease the transition?

Yes, this sets your intention and will help integration. It's like giving your body the green light to accept changes gracefully. Visualizing yourself as a being of light will help too.

Thank you. Is there anything else you need me to know?

Yes, stop focusing on future events and create your now. Your actions and thoughts today are creating your tomorrow. If you are always focused on what is to come, you are not truly creating your life. Focus instead on your personal goals and take steps daily to achieve them. Know that you will be supported and aided in all ways.

(After that we engaged in personal conversation and I want to share this part)

Me: Sometimes I feel like I am crazy

Thaddius: Yes, well you are (said in a joking manner)

Me: I've heard that all the best people are crazy

Thaddius: In your world its the crazy ones that make a difference

Me: What about in your world?

Thaddius: We are all crazy

Here's to the crazy ones <3